Customer Relationship Management Issues

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Reference no: EM132703428 , Length: word count:1000

Coursework Assignment

You will research the CRM Practices of a company of your choice and complete an audit report on your findings

About the Coursework

This coursework is aimed at developing a practical understanding of Customer Relationship Management Issues in a modern organisation. CRM is at the core of what we do both in marketing and in process management and it affects all departments in the enterprise.

The landscape of traditional CRM is changing as we develop faster analytical processes, wider communication, imbedded social media capability as well as new developments in mobile CRM services. There are now many more opportunities for things to go wrong but with careful management the rewards in terms of brand image, loyalty and retention of valued customers can be increased as never before.

In this coursework you will be expected to engage with the material presented to use as a reference point for your research. Remember the material presented should form a baseline of your research and you should use it as a starting point to examine further issues for your audit.
The word count is around 1000 words, plus or minus 10%. This excludes diagrams, tables, appendices, bibliography, references etc.

You should ensure that all work is referenced properly where you are using academic sources to progress your argument.

What are you going to do?
The aim of this part of the coursework is to develop a top down appraisal of Customer Relationship Management for an enterprise of your choice. So you will need to start probably at the mission statement for the company as a whole, then identify what the overall objectives, in terms of the CRM message are.
You should examine their website, any media and even sign up on their Twitter, Facebook or Instagram accounts etc. You are trying to assess the scope and breadth of their communications and make assertions about how good they are at engaging with you the prospective customer.
You should identify the core message of the brand and how this is promoted via PR, social media, Apps or other channels. Is the message consistent?
You should identify how you can contact the enterprise; how many channels are there and will they all work?
How do they convey marketing information to you? Do you have to sign up on their site? Do they have newsletters, RSS feeds, blogs etc.? How good are these in your estimation?
What are their loyalty programs? How effective do you think they are? Do they do sponsorship? If so why?
How do they handle problems and customer service issues?
Are they engaging with Sustainability Issues and if so to what degree? Is their message effective? Do you believe them? If not why not?
Can you customise or personalise any of their products? Is this effective?
You will then formulate an opinion based on what you have observed and the academic content presented. You should make a sound argument then as to whether the company you have researched is good at CRM, if there are any gaps or are poor at CRM. You will suggest if there is anything you think they should do and why you think this.

Attachment:- Digital Marketing. CRM Assessment. Research Report.rar

Reference no: EM132703428

Questions Cloud

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Customer Relationship Management Issues : Research the CRM Practices of a company of your choice and complete an audit report on your findings - understanding of Customer Relationship Management Issues
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What amount should the cost of goods sold be adjusted : Sprint Company information for the month of July 2015,What amount should the cost of goods sold be adjusted for the under- or overapplied factory overhead?



11/20/2020 3:37:12 AM

Need CRM research report, the word count t is around 1000 words, plus or minus 10%. This excludes diagrams, tables, appendices, bibliography, references etc. (references 5 or 6).

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