Reference no: EM133023080
Assessment 1
Your task
You are required to complete all questions and tasks for assessment.
Q1.List 3 sources of information you can use in your workplace to obtain information on customer profile and food preferences:
Q2.What are the service style(s) and cuisine(s) used in your workplace? List all that apply and list menu examples which are used for each service style or type of cuisine used:
Q3.Complete the following yield tests, calculating the Net yield per Kg and the net portion cost for each commodity based on the net cost per Kg and the portion size per kg provided.
Q4.How would the profit margins and menu type differ in a fine dining establishment compared to a bistro or pub?
What would be cost factors you would need to consider for each of these operations?
Q5.Go to the Sydney markets website and provide an overview of the fruit and vegetables in season relevant to the month you are undertaking this assessment. Select 3 seasonal recipes from the recipe section on that site which could be used for a seasonal 3-course menu:
Q6.Go to the Australia Tourism website select 3 restaurants from 2 different states (then click in each on "view more information") and create 3 different ethnic menus from the different dishes offered by restaurants which provide a link.
Q7.Go to the following 2 websites and identify 6 different trends for food and beverages in Australia for 2016:
Q8.Customer characteristics vary according to a wide range of factors. Give general examples of how each of the following characteristics will impact on your planning of menus and menu styles in an establishment:
Q9.Design a customer questionnaire which you can use to evaluate the following types of menus for your practical assessment.
The questions need to be clear and objective. The questions must be rated from e.g. 1-5 (1 is poor/5 is excellent). Allow a space at the end to permit customers to comment.
Remember, the aim of your questions is to obtain valid feedback and to enable you to make improvements to your menus.
à la carte
table d'hôte
Menu 2 - Plan a buffet menu.
A. Define the type of buffet theme or style you will plan, and include suitable dishes typically included for such a buffet including provisions for all courses in your buffet menu.
B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the courses offered including the following:
o colours o cooking methods o delicacies o flavours o nutritional values o presentation o seasonally available ingredients o tastes o textures.
C. Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain feedback. Document what the feedback entailed and what you will change as a result. Attach this draft and comments to this assessment marked -Menu 2-
D. Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients and required quantities.
E. Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached template -Yields- and calculate the net yields, and net costs.
Finalise the standard recipe cards for each dish and cost each dish. The food cost for this buffet must not exceed 30%. The cost per person need to fit the profile of your establishment you have identified in Question 1 of this assessment.
G. Identify the dishes that feature best in terms of profitability.
H. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller than size 12.
• Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner, and true in its features and ingredients
• Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the style of cuisine
Once implemented , obtain feedback for the success of the menu using a methods outlined in the task section above and attach the feedback to this assessment marked -Menu 2-
J. Which dishes were most popular? Which dishes would you remove from the buffet in future - for which reasons?
Menu Assessment Criteria Comment s NYS s NYS
1 Element 1: Identify customer requirements
The type of customer relevant for the menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified
The menu types used in the establishment are identified
The common popular items sold in the establishment are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the basis of comparison a a
Element 2: Plan menus
The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as per instruction relevant for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where relevant
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within one menu type provide variety and repetitions are avoided
The colours within dishes and in a menu type are appealing
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of different textures
Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable nutritional balance according to Australian Healthy guidelines for adults
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the clientele identified in section I
Element 3: Cost menus
Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card
The yield test values are establishes in a yield test sheet
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe card
The correct formulas are used for each type of calculation
The food cost for each dish does not exceed 34%
The correct methods for calculating mark-up are used
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is identified
All calculations are attached for reference as instructed for each menu type
Element 4: Write menu content Comment s NYS s NYS
The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, creating interest
Classical garnishes are used correctly according to conventions (e.g. a Wiener
Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is used it must refer to pork/chicken Schnitzel -Vienna Style-
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly listed
The correct culinary terms are used and explained where relevant
The menu structure is correct in order
The print type/font is clearly legible
Element 5: Evaluate menu success
The menu /dishes is evaluated using evaluation methods outlines in the instructions
The feedback is collated and attached
The feedback is interpreted correctly
A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of the evaluation startegy
6 Menu 1 - Plan an à la carte menu.
A. Your menu must contain at least 3 choices each for:
Main Courses
Additionally, provide 1 vegetarian entrée and 1 vegetarian option for a main course
B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the courses offered including the following: Colours cooking methods delicacies flavours nutritional values presentation seasonally available ingredients tastes textures.
The dishes you plan for the menu must fit the customer profile you have described in question 1, and meet a price level that matches what you currently have on offer in the establishment.
C. Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain feedback. Document what the feedback entailed and what you will change as a result. Attach this draft and comments to this assessment marked -Menu 1-
D. Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients and required quantities.
E. Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached template -Yields- and calculate the net yields, and net costs.
F. Finalise the standard recipe cards for each dish and cost each dish based on a 'per serve/per person' price based on a food cost not exceeding 34% for each dish - Adjust menu items accordingly.
G. Identify the dishes that feature best in terms of profitability.
H. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller than size 12.
• Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner, and true in its features and ingredients
• Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the style of cuisine
Once implemented , obtain feedback for the success of the menu using a methods outlined in the task section above and attach the feedback to this assessment marked -Menu 1-
J. Which dishes sold most? What is the food cost of the à la carte dishes overall based on the sales figures at the time of the review?