Customer driver marketing strategies of kfc

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Reference no: EM131028062 , Length: 3500 Words

Write a paper on "Customer Driver Marketing Strategies of KFC"

Executive summary

This report is being written so as to discuss in detail the marketing strategies being used by KFC in Bangladesh. First of all, the background of the company as well as objective and scope of study have been discussed in introduction. After that, the market segmentation as well as targeting activities have been depicted in detail. The purpose of SWOT analysis is to highlight all the advantages as well as disadvantages which the company has for starting over a completely new business. At the end, the marketing strategies have been discussed in conclusion and the results have been generated. 

Table of content
  • Executive summary 3
  • Introduction 3
  • Purpose of report 4
  • Scope of report 4
  • STP analysis 4
  • Major segmentation variables 4
  • Segmentation on the basis of age, gender and other similar strategies 5
  • Segmentation on the basis of location 5
  • Segmentation on the basis of psychology 6
  • Segmentation on the basis of behavior of customers 6
  • Targeting strategies 7
  • Value propositioning strategy 7
  • Marketing mix strategies 8
  • Products 8
  • Price 9
  • Place 9
  • Promotion 10
  • Strategic analysis 10
  • SWOT analysis 11
  • Strengths 11
  • Weaknesses 11
  • Opportunities 12
  • Threats 12
  • Future Recommendation based on product/market expansion grid 12
  • Conclusion 12
  • References 15

Reference no: EM131028062

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