Reference no: EM131464516
Chris is a member of the custodial staff who is responsible for cleaning the warehouse which includes the locker room that the employees use. There they have lockers, restrooms and showers. There is only one locker room that is shared by members of the same gender. Chris cleans at night when the employees have gone home for the day. Chris has noticed that pictures of scantily clad models had begun to appear on the walls in the locker room. At first, Chris expressed dismay only with fellow custodial members. Everyone rolled their eyes and shook their heads. Over the next few weeks, the pictures became more explicit. This made Chris uncomfortable. Chris asked the boss for some time to discuss and told the boss that the pictures were upsetting. The boss asked the users of the locker room to take the pictures down. They didn't. They put up more. Chris complained to the boss again. The pictures became MORE explicit. Chris complained again. (Each time Chris was respectful and used clear, unemotional language) This time the pictures disappeared but the locker room started to appear "different." There was urine in the trashbags and along the edges of all the trash bags where Chris had to handle them to remove the bags, the toilets weren't being used "properly," and underwear started to appear on the floor in the locker room and even on Chris' car. After two months of this, Chris resigned.
Chris never interacted with the employees who used the locker room. Was Chris being sexually harassed? If so, what type of sexual harrassment was Chris experiencing?
What could have been done? What should have happened? Does it matter is Chris is male or female?
Sexual Harassment in the workplace is not an easy topic to discuss because it's so personal and people have strong feelings about it. This chapter the different types of sexual harassment and possible responses. (pp. 136) Choose ONE aspect to discuss and put yourself in either Chris' position, the boss' or that of one of the locker room workers.
Second: If it trusted coworker confided in you that they were being sexually harassed on the job, what advice would you give them?