Currently holds management position in organization

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133479983


Conduct an interview with someone who currently holds a management position in an organization. After the interview conduct a five to seven page that includes the following:

1. A brief background of the interviewee's work, educational, and personal experiences,

2. A discussion of what you learned from the interview with respect to the central functions of management, ie., leading, planning, controlling, etc.,

3. Whether the interviewee is an effective manager(why).

Reference no: EM133479983

Questions Cloud

Implementing strategies to motivate employees : What is the importance of understanding another culture prior to implementing strategies to motivate employees?
Outline the healthcare laws that protect consumers : Were you aware of your rights as a patient? Are your rights being communicated to you at your health care provider?
Company industry and competitive environment : What tool is used to assess the company's industry and competitive environment
Strategic management process of formulation : Describe the THREE step strategic management process of formulation, strategy implementation and strategy evaluation.
Currently holds management position in organization : Conduct an interview with someone who currently holds a management position in an organization.
Professional leagues-MLB-NBA-NFL-NHL or European Soccer : Select a one of the following professional leagues: MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL or European Soccer. How will the new facility increase revenues
What concerns might different stakeholders : At Google what concerns might different stakeholders might have and how communication is needed to address those concerns
Presentation of history of data about the productivity : Presentation of history of data about the productivity and other performance metrics of the organisation/ company
Knowledge within health care setting : What is data used for knowledge within a health care setting? What is data used for information within a health care setting.


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