Current transportation management strategies

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133513351


Section 1: Contribution of Transportation Management to Logistical Operations

1. Describe how important is transportation to your business?

2. What modes of transportation are used for your logistic operations? Which one is the most effective and efficient?

3. What factor/s do you think affect the management of transportation of your logistic operations?

Section 2: Current Transportation Management Strategies

1. How efficient is the current transportation system for locally manufactured products by your company?

2. How efficient is the management of the transportation system for imported products?

3. How effective is the transportation system in your company as it relates to the distribution of imported products?

4. How do you deal with inefficiencies in the distribution of locally manufactured goods?

5 How do you deal with inefficiency in the distribution of imported products?

Section 3: Impact of Current Logistical Strategies on Productivity and Performance

1. How efficient is the transportation management system as it relates to customers service for both intermediate and end customers?

2. How well does the transportation system contribute to the productivity of your local products as well as your distribution arm for your imported products?

3. Would you invest in any new technology that would improve the current transportation management system at Wysinco?

Reference no: EM133513351

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