Reference no: EM132088793
Linux System Change Logger Script
Learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursework are:
1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of knowledge and show a critical awareness of current problems in computer systems and networks.
2. Show originality in the application of knowledge as well as systematic understanding of knowledge and comprehension of the underlying concepts and principles associated with computer systems and networks.
3. Critically evaluate current computer system and networking technologies and methodologies and develop critiques of them.
You are an IT support engineer and you have been asked to build a GNU/Linux bash script that monitors a computer system and user activity regularly and logs key information. You need to create a script "" that automatically and regularly writes to a log file "mySysMonitor.log". The log file will need to contain time-stamped detailed information about significant changes to the following:
a) Current processes
b) Users currently logged in
c) Devices plugged in (e.g. USB)
d) Disk usage
1. Overall disk usage
2. The user's home directory (/home/someuser...)
3. Other key directories
e) Network interfaces and their states
f) Any other relevant information...
The script will need to be written to extract only key details about the changes to the computer system such as listed above and add them to an ever-growing log file. Hence the log file should consist of easily readable key details only. For pass level you are expected to write a script that satisfies a) to e) listed above. For higher marks you are expected to add relevant extra information (e.g. monitoring OS system file changes, monitoring installed applications, etc.) and relevant features, more easily readable output (e.g. HTML), configurable log levels (e.g. verbose, debug, standard and key-details only), etc..
Note that you should only use common pre-installed command line tools and your work should not rely on additional programs / tools / libraries / etc. If you are unsure about any detail of this coursework please ask your tutor.
Also you may be called to present and demonstrate the system and report if your module tutor is in doubt. Failure to proof ownership of your coursework may lead to a fail!
What should be submitted to Blackboard before the due date:
I. Documentation (5 pages maximum (excluding title page, bibliography, appendices etc.) , minimum font size 10):
a) A specification of how to install and use the script(s) (max 1 page)
b) Design consideration - what commands you used, how you constructed your script(s) and justification why you chose these techniques. (~2 pages)
c) Test results with exemplary log and screen output. (~2pages)
d) Conclusion / Reflection - Advantages and disadvantages of your techniques / work (~1 page)
e) Bibliography - An exhaustive list of references you used in your work
II. One ZIP file will need to be uploaded to Blackboard, containing all coursework relevant files including scripts and exemplary log files.
Evaluate the ethical principles and policy
: Analyze the mission, vision, and values of this organization. Evaluate the ethical principles and policy under which the organization works.
Write articles on the ethical issues
: Using Campbellsville University library and/or other sources, read at least four (4) academically reviewed articles on the ethical issues that may arise.
Explain the role of leadership in the situation
: Do you want to resolve, solve, or dissolve the problem? Consider the consequences as well for the plan of action in your recommendation.
Write a report that details the possible cost savings
: Write a report that details the possible cost savings with adopting cloud-based solutions and the benefits of using cloud services.
Current problems in computer systems
: IMAT5122 – Computer Systems and Networks - Linux System Change Logger Script - Demonstrate a systematic understanding of knowledge
Identify two different job descriptions
: Go to a job posting website, such as,, or Search jobs using the keywords "Health Information Management,".
How will you prepare for the interviews
: Imagine you are interviewing for both of the jobs you located online. For this assignment, answer the following questions:(note: my job search will be Medical)
What obligations it places on patients
: Visit the website of an insurance company, such as Aetna, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, or Humana and identify one of the company's insurance plans.
What is the affordable care act
: Using the Internet, search for information about the American Health Care Act (AHCA). In a four-paragraph paper, define what the AHCA is.