Reference no: EM133105661
A large steel manufacturing company has started its new plant in Gurgaon. The manpower plan that was prepared suggested that there would be 6 operators per machines. Operators would work in three shifts per day and 6 days a week. The new plant faced many shutdowns because of machine breakdowns and employee absences. This resulted in extension of shifts, increase in overtime pay and consumed a lot of productive time. The HR understood that in many cases there is a clear violation of labour laws. Additional hiring of operators in specific plants were not possible as all manpower planning was done centrally and for all positions irrespective of plant locations and their specific needs. However, in Gurgaon some of the prominent issues were poor industrial relations, high sick leaves, local holidays, strikes and others. This caused a huge manpower shortage in the plant. This has resulted frequent conflicts between line and staff functions in the company. The HR plant manager held grievances against plant supervisors for allowing leaves in local festivals while the managers were dissatisfied with lack of standard HR practices. The Noida plant has seen a high employee turnover within a short span of time across all levels. The HR cost-benefit analysis of the plant showed a downward trend compared to other plants.
Currently, the plant has 50 Junior Supervisors, 30 Middle level supervisors and 20 Senior Supervisors. The plant HR manager did an internal survey across all supervisory positions in the plant and realized that 8 % of Junior Supervisors will leave the organization next year. The plant head plans to include 25 new Junior Supervisors next year. Moreover, at middle Supervisory level, 10 % of employees will be promoted to the next Senior Level and 2% will be transferred-in from Jaipur plant. 10% of the Senior supervisors will be transferred-out next year to Jaipur Plant. Moreover, the corporate office has given all the plant heads a proposal to increase headcounts at all supervisory levels by 10% next year.
Q) As a consultant what are the key internal and external factors you should consider to develop a manpower plan for the Noida plant?
Q) Based on the above data, prepare an employee Supply forecast at Supervisors level for the next year and mention a surplus/deficit at all such positions.
Q) Suggest possible HR strategy(s) to deal with any surplus (or deficit) of supervisors in the plant
Q) What necessary changes you want to make in the current manpower process and cite reasons for the changes. Consider a diversity management approach while answering.