Current issue or event that is related to a mental health

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Reference no: EM132411302

Select a current issue or event that is related to a mental health issue.

This event has to have occurred (or been in the media) within the last year. Students can focus on a particular mental health issue or approach it more generally.

In other words, this current event may stand on its own or stem from social, political, religious, environmental, or other concerns.

Reference no: EM132411302

Questions Cloud

How knowledge may be informed by data that is accessed : The term "knowledge worker" was first coined by management consultant and author Peter Drucker in his book, The Landmarks of Tomorrow (1959). Drucker defined.
What are the primary functions of the data-link layer : What are the primary functions of the data-link layer? What are the components of a typical Ethernet? What are the functions of each component
High fuel cost in the transportation of its dairy products : Almarai, being one of the largest food company, it is likely to experience the high fuel cost in the transportation of its dairy products.
What is a health care organization administrative role : What is a health care organization's administrative role in executing risk management policies and ensuring compliance with managed care organization (MCO).
Current issue or event that is related to a mental health : Current issue or event that is related to a mental health issue - focus on a particular mental health issue or approach it more generally
Identify and prioritize the various stakeholders : Review the mission statement of your selected organization. Prior to creating a strategy map, identify your stakeholders. Complete a stakeholder analysis.
Promote further discussion beyond merely agreeing : Write in-depth, comprehensive responses that promote further discussion beyond merely agreeing/disagreeing.
What is the organizational motivation for subnetting : What is the organizational motivation for subnetting? Using an example, describe the three-part interpretation of IP addresses when subnetting is used
Write a brief description of the dilemmas or concerns : In week 5, you will submit a 6-10 minute audio/visual presentation of your chosen ethical issue (Patient Confidentiality), and your stance supporting this issue


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