Reference no: EM133826931
Create a written assessment, including an annotated bibliography section, to document your research on a healthcare problem or an issue faced by current healthcare organizations.
In your professional life, you will need to find credible evidence to support your decisions and plans of action. You will want to keep abreast of best practices to help your organization adapt to the ever-changing healthcare environment. Being adept at research helps you find the information you need. This assessment gives you practice with that skill by having you research a healthcare problem or issue faced by current healthcare organizations.
You will select a current healthcare problem or issue from the provided options for this assessment. Research your topic, and develop a written assessment, which includes an annotated bibliography to document your resources. Get Your Assignment Done by Our Experts!
Write a 3-5 page paper in which you include the following:
Select one of the healthcare problems or issues presented in the Assessment 02 Supplement: Applying Research Skills [PDF] Download Assessment 02 Supplement: Applying Research Skills [PDF]resource. Write a brief overview of the healthcare problem or issue. In your overview:
Summarize the healthcare problem or issue, including describing its professional relevance.
Describe your interest in the problem or issue.
Describe any professional experience you have with this topic.
Discussion of Research
Discuss your research and selection process for each of the three journal articles you have chosen to include in your annotated bibliography.
Describe your process of applying library research skills to identify the journal articles relevant to the healthcare problem or issue you are researching.
Identify the keywords you used to select the articles.
Describe the criteria you used to select the resources, including the names of the databases you used.
What was the process like to locate relevant articles?
Assess the credibility of the information sources.
Determine whether each resource is from an academic, peer-reviewed journal.
Determine whether the publication is current (published within the last 3-5 years).
Determine whether information in the academic peer-reviewed journal article is still relevant.
Assess the relevance of the information sources.
Explain how the healthcare problem or issue is addressed in each source.
Discuss what kind of contribution each resource provides.
Annotated Bibliography
Summarize each of the three current academic, peer-reviewed journal articles you chose, using the annotated bibliography organizational format. The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to document a list of references along with key information about each one. The detail about the reference is the annotation. Developing this annotated bibliography will create a foundation of knowledge about the selected topic. In your annotated bibliography:
List each full reference in APA format, followed immediately by its annotation.
Present your three current, annotated references in alphabetical order, according to the reference citation.
Double-space each reference and format it with a hanging indent.
Provide the full APA reference citation, including the author, date, title, publisher or publication, and any additional information required by APA style.
Write the annotation (summary) for each citation in paragraph form, using approximately 150 words (or 1-3 paragraphs) for each citation. Make sure to cite the article in your summary. Include the following components for each annotation:
Identify the purpose of the article.
Summarize the article.
Include the conclusions and findings of the article.
In a separate paragraph or two at the end of the paper, summarize what you learned from the process of developing the annotated bibliography.
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