Current digital marketing practices

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132493187

Digital Marketing

Question: Choose two organisations in the same product category and write a report that compares, contrasts and evaluates their current digital marketing practices. The report is a critique of these organisations with reference to their digital marketing practices. A reference list is required (but not included in the word count).

Company : Amazon and Ebay, or popular aussie companies are preferable

Purpose: The purpose of this task is to create the necessary environment within the digital marketing architecture to enable you figure out the advantages and the disadvantages of the different approaches companies can utilise to enhance their conversion rates.

Attachment:- Assessment requirement.rar

Reference no: EM132493187

Questions Cloud

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Current digital marketing practices : Create the necessary environment within the digital marketing architecture to enable you figure out the advantages and the disadvantages of the different
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Journalize the transactions for the seller : Journalize the following transactions for the seller, Ward Company, using the gross method to account for sales discounts
Record journal entry for declaration of total dividends : Assume that declaration and payment of cash dividends are separate journal entries. Record the journal entry for declaration of total dividends for the year.



4/15/2020 3:59:53 AM

Choose two organisations in the same product category and write a report that compares, contrasts and evaluates their current digital marketing practices. The report is a critique of these organisations with reference to their digital marketing practices. The company : Amazon and Ebay, or popular aussie companies are preferable,

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