Cumulative average for all the assignments

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132252758

Write a program that asks the user to enter a student's name and 8 numeric assignment scores (out of 100 for each assignment). The program should output the students name, a letter grade for each assignment score, and cumulative average for all the assignments. Please note, there are 12 students in the class so your program will need to be able to either accept data for 12 students or loop 12 times in order to process all the students in the class.

Write the following functions in the program:

calc_average - this function should accept 8 assignment scores as arguments and return the average of the scores

determine_grade - this function should accept an assignment score as an argument and return a letter grade for the score based on the following grading scale:

90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

Below 60 F

Data for the program:

Lucy Miller 45 69 70 66 87 82 75 73

Frank Jones 90 93 87 84 91 93 90 88

Nancy Franklin 99 97 92 90 88 89 87 90

Judy Forsyth 72 86 59 69 72 78 80 82

Tony Spirit 87 83 86 90 79 76 80 88

Ruth Ames 66 69 72 61 69 73 71 70

John Smith 100 98 89 93 82 86 91 93

Andrew Barnes 78 77 75 83 80 87 80 78

Becky Stone 98 94 90 89 84 83 79 93

Marvin Decker 59 54 61 45 39 66 70 72

Steve Parker 71 78 73 62 66 72 64 70

Frank Harper 89 86 90 92 91 85 88 93

REMEMBER - to put your name on the lab in comments and put comments in your program for what the program is doing.

Verified Expert

The project is using python language to input the student name and marks in 8 subject for 12 student using for loop. The program then compute the average marks, and find the letter grade of each subject marks and display the student result which shows students name, letter grade of each subject marks and the average marks for each student.

Reference no: EM132252758

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