Cultures sometimes disagree about morality

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Reference no: EM133380628


1. Ethical relativism is the idea that

different people have different ideas of right and wrong

different cultures get to make up their own moral rules, and so there are no moral facts that hold for everyone

while cultures often disagree about moral issues, there is nevertheless a set of moral facts that hold for everyone

we ought to be ethical to our relatives

2. If ethical relativism is true, then

it often makes sense to criticize one's own culture

when cultures disagree, there is some objective standard about which they are really disagreeing

your relatives may sue you if you fail to be ethical to them

even rape and mass killings may be right, if they are part of your culture's moral code

3. Cultures sometimes disagree about morality. James Rachels infers that

Some cultures are crazy, while other cultures are sane

ethical relativism is true

disagreement proves nothing, since people disagree about clearly factual matters all the time

morality doesn't really exist, but is an outdated superstition of our anscestors that we should probably abandon

4. Some Nigerian tribes practice twin infanticide--killing one of two newborn twins--although this practice would be condemned in most Western societies. Velasquez (your textbook author) suggests that

the difference between these societies have more to do with their different circumstances than it does with any fundamental moral disagreements

the difference between these societies is evidence that they share very little moral ground

these Nigerian tribes are clearly morally backwards and should be condemned

we could learn from these Nigerian tribes, and we should probably practice twin infanticide ourselves

5. Ethical relativism and (scriptural) divine command theory are similar in that

they both assert that there is something above God that is making up the moral rules

they both assert that, when we make moral judgments, we appeal to a set of universal moral reasons

they both assume that some being, person, or group of people can make up the moral facts

they both ultimately ground morality in the notion of human happiness

6. If (scriptural) divine command theory is true, then

anything that is right is right because God commands it

God commands what is right because it is right

when God commands something, he does so on the basis of a good moral reason

all of the above

7. Suppose you reject both ethical relativism and divine command theory for the reasons associated with the Euthyphro question. Then, you should probably conclude that

God can sometimes get it wrong, and the Bible is not a reliable moral guide

nobody should be the boss of you, and you should be able to make up your own moral rules for yourself

there is something greater than both God and culture that makes up the moral rules--a kind of "super God" that legislates morality

no one makes up the moral facts

8. Ethical egoism is the idea that

people are by nature self-interested

people always ought to be self-interested

ethics requires that one suppress the influence of one's own ego

ethics lies in how the ego manages the war between one's id and superego

9. Suppose it is true that people always do what they want. James Rachels says we should conclude that

people still might not be selfish, if what they want is others' happiness

people are selfish, since they are exclusively attending their own desires

people are enslaved to their desires, when enlightenment requires abandoning desire altogether

people are hopelessly immature, since it's a fact that you can't always get what you want

10. The classical utilitarians Bentham and Mill both believed that while many things are instrumentally good, only pleasure is intrinsically good. This shows that they were both





11. Bentham and Mill disagreed about how to measure happiness, in that

Bentham claimed that the duration of the pleasure does not matter, while Mill thought it does matter

Bentham denied that we should worry about whether a lower pleasure brings about a later pain, while Mill thought later pains need to be taken into account

Bentham denied that it was possible to enjoy higher pleasures, such as listening to a symphony, while Mill thought such pleasures are possible

Bentham thought that we should be worried simply with the amount of pleasure people have, while Mill was also worried about the quality of the pleasure

12. Whereas act utilitarianism requires performing the act that will bring the greatest happiness for everyone, rule

following the general rules of one's society

following act utilitarianism as a general rule, but being an egoist or a deontologist on certain occasions

following rules which, if followed generally, would tend to make the world a happier place in the long run

following rules which always makes people better off in every instance

13. If you're an act utilitarian, you think that killing is

always wrong, since it always makes the victim worse off

sometimes right, if you're in a particular situation when more happiness can be produced as a result

neither right nor wrong, since a corpse can feel neither pleasure nor pain

always wrong, since it violates an inviolable right to life

14. Probably the most important objection to act utilitarianism is that

it allows us to exploit a minority of people in order to bring about the majority's happiness

it allows for a conflict of rules, without any way of resolving the conflict

it requires us to slavishly honor people's rights, when rights are so frequently an impediment to human happiness

it often requires us to be selfish and to ignore the well-being of everyone else

15. Natural law ethics has traditionally been related to religion in that

just as natural law ethics says that our moral behavior is determined by natural law, so religion says that God predestines our behavior from the beginning of time

natural law ethics says we should follow nature's cues to see what we ought to do, which matches the religious claim that God has designed nature for a purpose

since some religions state that God is the very same thing as nature, natural law ethics is identical to scriptural divine command theory

There really is no reason. The traditional association between these two ideas is a strange accident of history.

16. How might utilitarianism and (traditional) natural law theory treat the topic of suicide?

Sometimes suicide can ease the person's pain, and at those times, the person would have a natural inclination to kill himself. So, both utilitarianism and natural law ethics endorse it.

Since suicide always causes great pain, and since it violates a natural human good, both utilitarianism and natural law ethics would always forbid it.

Utilitarianism might condone suicide on those very rare occasions when it actually makes people in general (the victim, his loved ones, etc.) better off, but it violates a natural human good, so natural law ethics would forbid it.

Neither theory has anything to say on the topic.

17. Kant held that the thing with the most value in the universe (from a moral perspective) is

peace on earth and the brotherhood of man

human happiness

a natural inclination to do nice things, and the pleasure that comes with it

a good will, which does duty for the sake of duty itself

18. Suppose that I am considering lying in a specific situation to get ahead in life. Using the "universalizability" version of the categorical imperative, Kant might say that

it is okay to lie, since most everyone has an inclination to lie in situations like this

it would be clearly wrong to lie, since a world where everyone always lied would also be a world where there would never be any point to lying

since it is not the case that everyone always lies, nor is it the case that everyone always tells the truth, lying in this case is neither right nor wrong

we should consult the directors at Universal Studios and follow their opinion

19. Suppose senators in Party X, currently in the majority, decide to rewrite senate rules in order to give the majority party more power. A Kantian might respond by saying,

"Since it makes you better off, I certainly can't blame you!"

"So long as the new rules make everything run smoothly, I have no objection."

"You wouldn't like it if Party Y played the same stunt, if Party Y were in the majority. So, you had better not do this."

"Since the new rules are likely to upset the members of Party Y, you really should not rewrite them."

20. One implication of Kant's second version of the categorical imperative is that

people have rights that can't be violated, even if doing so will make people in general better off

civilization is evil, since it always involves using people--e.g., using taxi drivers to get you to the airport, or using mechanics to fix your car, etc.

we can't use people, unless doing so would bring about a very important goal

wicked people tend to face a mean end

21. One typical objection raised against Kantian ethics is that

it allows for the exploitation of a minority group in order to preserve the happiness of the majority

it allows for a conflict of duties, with no obvious way to resolve the conflict

it says that our duties always change, depending upon the situation you're in

it requires us to consider the consequences of our actions, when sometimes it is hard to predict what those will be

22. The primary goal of Buddhist ethics is to

bring about peace on earth and the brotherhood of man

do one's duty for the sake of duty alone

improve the lives of the people around you

eliminate suffering through eliminating desires

23. The content of Buddhist ethics involves

a set of absolute rules

a structure of rights to be honored

general guidelines for behavior, that are treated as mere means to a deeper goal

a set of religious rituals that must be performed for fear of punishment in one's next life

24. Which of the following have been given as reasons to be moral?

To please God

To benefit oneself

To secure the benefits of society

All of the above

Reference no: EM133380628

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