Culture foundations

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Reference no: EM13801301

culture foundations.

The Architecture of Trauma

For this extra credit assignment, you are to write a four page to five page paper on the memorial architecture at ground zero.

For the paper you are to read all of the critical articles that have been attached below. Then choose at least three (3) to work with.

Structure the first half of this paper the way you structured your paper on Romanticism, by describing the issues and problems that the three scholars are discussing in these articles. Obviously, these scholars are working at around the same time instead of throughout the 20th century. But you will want to share your understanding of all of their arguments with your readers before moving on to part two of the essay. Do this is in a clear and systematic way.

Then in part two, go on to insert your own perspective into this scholarly conversation, based on your experience visiting the downtown site and studying the site yourself. Make sure to attach photos of yourself at the site to the essay to document your visit.

To summarize: After surveying the range of critical issues and problems in the first half of your paper, you should then focus on your own perspective and address some problem or question associated with the representation and memorialization of this traumatic event.

Reference no: EM13801301

Questions Cloud

Critical issues in policing paper : Critical Issues in Policing Paper
Involvement in general education courses : Critically reflect on what you have learned through your involvement in general education courses. Review the learning outcomes for this course:
How did the economic downturn and recovery impact business : How did the economic downturn and recovery impact business in Greece and Turkey? How do these countries differ in that respect, and what economic, political, or cultural explanations might account for any differences?
Percentage of the variation related issues : Suppose that for a given data set, s2x=440,s2y=820,r=0.35,n=7 Then the regression standard error is:
Culture foundations : culture foundations
Identify experience of communicate between male and female : identify an experience you or someone you know has had in which there was a failure to communicate between a male and a female.
How the system will affect the hiring process : Describe how the system will affect the hiring process. Describe how employees will be rewarded for innovative thinking.
In regression analysis related problem : Given the least squares regression line yˆ=-2.48+1.63x, and a coefficient of determination of 0.81, the coefficient of correlation
Government states and nations : Continuing with the government, states, and nations section of the course by examining social contract theorists Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau.


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