Reference no: EM132311855
There's two parts to this assignment.
(1) A 3 page paper (3 full pages of actual text), typed double-spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font. References listed on an additional page. This will be submitted via the Dropbox in this assignment area.
(2) A discussion post in the topic within this assignment area of at least 3 interesting factoids you discovered in writing your paper.
Here's the details -- select a culture (or sub-culture) and report on their astronomical, belifs, contributions, etc. as well as the influence of astronomy on their culture. The goal behind this project is to introduce you to other aspects of astronomy's rich history (due to time constraints, this course takes a very Western worldview). There's a discussion topic just for questions with regards to whether or not a certain culture is appropriate -- some are easier to cover than others. Example of past topics are doomsday cults, Arabic, Jewish, Mayan, Chinese, Egyptian, etc.
A note about citations ... You need to use paranthetical citations any time you pull material from a source (including, but by no means limited to, direct quotations). This is in addition to a references cited page.