Cultural relativism

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Reference no: EM1378904

Exactly what is a 'relativism argument'? Are there any consequences of relativism? and is there a right or wrong to it?

I have tried to analyze and summarize the article, I need to know if I am understanding it correctly and if there are areas I should elaborate on.

The piece I read talked abut how different cultures have different moral codes. ie. the Greeks ate the bodies of their dead and the Callatians burned theirs. Cultural relativism seems to just be that, you judge others based on what your culture deems right, using it as a method of comparison. The cultural differences argument - seems to be based on what people believe and that everything is subjective. The consequences of taking cultural relativism seriously but how can I understand this when it then says that Cultural relativism implies judgments and the argument cannot be right? Why there is less disagreement that it seems implies to me that other cultures/people are afraid to interfere. How all cultures have some values in common - implies to me that all societies have to have moral rules for the society to exist. Judging a cultural practice to be undesirable, such in the case of the Muslim girl who's mother and sister sent her to America for Asylum so she would not have female circumcision, here it seems to me that when someone from another culture did not want to par take in her cultural ritual our society was initially up in arms. Is there a Culture-Neutral of Right and Wrong? I am left feeling that with this topic I am to answer that it is all subjective to the culture analyzing it. What can be learned from cultural relativism? first it's noted as that it rests on invalid arguments, and that this Cultural Relativism warns us of the danger of assuming that all preferences are based on some rational standard, keeping an open minds.


Reference no: EM1378904

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