Cultural issues found in two writers work

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Reference no: EM131244094 , Length:

Compare/Contrast the mestiza, borderlands, and cultural issues found in two writers' work.

Please respond in a five-paragraph APA essay format with quotes, proper in-text citations, and references.

Please be sure to include the following in your assignment submission:

Write a formal, 5-paragraph essay in APA format, including a cover page, in response to this question. Base your answer on your own observations and support your assertions quoting from your assigned readings.

Read the assigned readings from the Latino Literature. Highlight quotes, summarize, or paraphrase from your readings and be sure to include an in-text citation in proper APA format (Author, year, p. X). We must include three quotes from our readings.

When we discuss literature, it is all about the words before us. They are ours to consider and reflect on. So, you will want to make a strong assertion and prove it, or support it, by quoting from the readings. Include three quotes in our essay.

Create a strong thesis for your essay.

A thesis states your main idea in a sentence. A sample thesis (which you are free to use) might be:

The concepts of the mestiza consciousness, borderlands, and cross-culture challenges influence the writings of Latino writers.

Be sure to include an APA reference page.

For complete instructions on APA, see your college Online Library, which you can access through the Resources tab.

This needs to be an essay with a strong thesis statement. There needs to be 3 quotes in the essay and they have to be referenced within the paper.

Please cite all references.

Latino Influence and La Mestiza

The Mestiza, Borderlands, and Living Cross Culturally

In our readings for this week, the terms Mestiza, Borderlands, and cross-cultures are used. There are many changes in tone and the intensity of these changes appear to rise up off the page. Notice how Cofer uses details to connect us to her world: "Not many years later that area too would be mainly Puerto Rican. It was as if the heart of the city map were being gradually colored in brown-cafe-con-leche brown. Our Color" (Bryant, 2010, p. 232). What deeper meaning is Cofer intending?

Look for use of repetition in your readings. What do the authors want us to learn through this repetition? Again, read for meaning, but also read for the experience: the sound of the words, the images, and the rhythm of the words.

As you read, you will want to think about the historical and cultural contexts in which the authors lived and wrote. Place yourself in their shoes and try to understand what is it like to not understand the language where you are living, to not understand and join in, or to not be free to communicate your thoughts and ideas. Think about how it must have felt living between the traditions you grew up with and the culture you currently face. You may even ask yourself: how well would I have done in this environment?

Judith Ortiz Cofer

Judith Ortiz Cofer often credits her grandmother's avid storytelling to her love of language and writing. In her writing, she "shows the tension that is an integral part of a life lived within and between two cultures" (Bryant, 2010, p. 230).

Sandra Cisneros

Sandra Cisneros writes with a provocative, satirical, and often renegade style while exploring the changes Mexicans face immigrating to the United States: steadfast commitments, the resilient woman who endures hardships, heartbreaks, love, alienation, poverty, and renewals (Bryant, 2010, p. 202).


Bryant, J. (2010). The Pearson Custom Library of American Literature.

Rasmussen College English Department. New York, NY: Pearson Learning Solutions.

Verified Expert

This paper explores the rigidity and cultural barriers that Latino writers face. The writings of Lato no writer appears to be more feminist as it depicts their struggle to sustain in the western world. However , with time they learned to sustain despite all constraints.

Reference no: EM131244094

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