Cultural and systemic affects

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Reference no: EM1332684

Topic 1: Primary Source of Law in Legal Traditions

There are four legal traditions outlined in the course text. Please identify them and describe the primary source of law in each legal tradition. Explain how legal traditions are different than legal systems.

Topic 2: Islamic Legal Tradition

The Islamic legal tradition has managed to survive for hundreds of years without changing its procedures and beliefs while the world around it experiences constant change. From what you have read in the course text as well as personal research, what cultural and systemic affects can you describe as reasons for the Islamic Legal Traditions longevity?

Reference no: EM1332684

Questions Cloud

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Program requests the name of food and number of calories : The council suggest that at most 30% of the calories in our diet come from fat. however food labels give the number of calories and amount of fat per serving, they often do not give percentage of calories from fat.
Suppose a hedge is desirable what hedging techniques : Suppose a hedge is desirable, what hedging techniques are available to the treasurer and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Networking increase a person-s power : How does networking increase a person's power? What networking strategies could you initiate now to potentially enhance your future career success?
Cultural and systemic affects : There are four legal traditions outlined in the course text. Please identify them and describe the primary source of law in each legal tradition. Explain how legal traditions are different than legal systems.
Design the program in with a graphical user interface : Write down the program in VB.NET (not Web based) with a graphical user interface. Have the user input the amount in one currency and give him a choice to either specify a currency to convert to OR calculate results for all available currency conve..
Human capital relate to employee training and development : Human capital - How does the concept of human capital relate to employee training and development
Make sure to properly cite and reference the article : Make sure to properly cite and reference the article in your review, along with any additional sources that you use.
Explain lamp : Explain LAMP and what LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL and one of Perl or PHP


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