Reference no: EM132771613 , Length: word count:3000
CSYM028 Modern Computer Architecture - University of Northampton
Part 1: Evaluation of Emerging Technologies
With considerations of the design technology; operation mechanism; power, area and performance cost; application; computational power, etc, in your own words, perform a comparison of the current trend of Computer architectures. Make use of Tables and Figures to summarize your comparison.
Your technologies should include but not limited to Quantum Computing, Biological Computing, Optical Computing, Heterogeneous Computing, Superscalar Processors and Chip Multiprocessors.
This is an MSc assignment and as such should show good research and analytical skills. It should be referenced using IEEE Citation or Harvard Reference format and should include information from refereed Books, Conferences and/or journals (papers from IEEEXplore are highly recommended). Do not make use of information from blogs and Wikipedia for this assignment.
As a guideline, you should aim for about 2000 - 3000 (excluding reference list and Table of Contents) words but may contain as many pictures as you like. If you include work which has been obtained from other sources e.g. books, journal papers, conference papers - they must be referenced using the IEEE Citation scheme. Avoid direct quotation of sources.
Using an 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture (ATmega328P), complete the following:
Deliverables (Part 2 - 5)
1. Links to your designs in Tinkercad. Take a snapshot of the last edited information, as well as the image of your final design and past below each link.
2. Links of demos recorded or hosted on Kaltura (Make all links visible on the front page). Note that this is one way of rectifying that the final Submission is your own work and hence you must submit in order to get a pass grade.
a. In your demo, give a detailed explanation as to how your code works
b. Remember to use different tools such as whiteboard or Paint, datasheets,
Arduino IDE for memory analysis etc. to explain underlining principles into details.
c. Wherever, possible use live coding to demonstrate your strengths
d. If you started off your code with Arduino functions, such as "Pinmode()", and have managed to use direct register manipulation to improve your code, remember to demonstrate the logic behind it in both your report and the video. This is highly recommended.
3. Flowcharts. Note, this is one way of showing how you have developed your solution
4. Program code with comments - this must be in TEXT format. No screenshots allowed, except of codes which I have provided you and have given you permission to use as part of your implementation (in which case, there will be no credit assigned to such code).
5. Description of how the code works
6. User Guide - Provide scenarios of inputs that should demonstrate the required features specified in this brief and also provide expected results. This can be provided in a table format.
7. Evaluation of the output - Provide your observation, reflection and analysis.
• Do not use "pinMode()", digitalWrite() and digitalRead() function in your final code. Make use of direct manipulation of the ATmega328P register contents. Example:
DDRB = DDRB | B00100000;
PORTD |= (1 << PORTD2);
• Use "Kaltura" for all your videos and make sure that anyone with the link to the video can view the content.
• Your code must be in text format.
• Optional: As an added challenge, do not use analogWrite(), analogRead() functions (Extra Credit).
Part 2: Game Design 1 (Proof of Concept)
1.Build a game that challenges a player's reaction time by making them stop a sweeping series of LEDs at a specified point within the series. The main part of this game is the display with the sweeping of a single-light LED from one side of a series to the other. The challenge for this game is the amount of time a player has to react. The game appears to move faster when the time a single LED is on before the next one lights up is lowered.
a) To achieve a level completion the player has to press a button while a specified LED is on. i)Hint: think of interrupts
b) The game should use 9 LEDs and a button; the winning LED is in the middle, and 4 LEDs are on either side.
c) After each level is complete or micro-win, the game will decrease the time each LED is on before moving on to the next stage. A micro-win will flash an alternating pattern on the LEDs. Make sure you LED flashing pattern the is most likely unique to your design.
d) After 9 micro-wins, a more elaborate pattern will flash, signifying a big win.
e) If an attempt fails, the game will reset back to the first level, and the succession to the big win and will be restarted.
f) The status of the game should be displayed on an LCD. This should include
i) The current micro-win and the remaining micro-wins (or score) to a big win. ii)Different display patterns for a big win, a micro-win and a fail iii)When the game resets due to a fail iv)Number of lives remaining
g) In addition to the above use sound to notify the status of the game. This should include different sounds for i)a big win
ii) a micro-win
iii) a fail
h) If the game were to be developed into a full arcade game, the reward would have to be greater than just flashing lights. For example, you might reward the player with tickets for each big win. The game will also need a risk for the user to place up front to attempt to play. For example, a number of tokens could be accepted via a coin acceptor before the player is allowed play. Therefore, include a tilt switch interface that randomly assign the number of rounds a player is allowed. This number should be displayed on the LCD. Before starting the game, a player should tilt the switch and the LCD should display the a random number of rounds (lives) he has to play. The lives should range between 0 - 3 per player.
i) Each 2 consecutive big wins should add an additional life to the player. ii)0 signifies when a player has no token and hence should not be allowed to play the game iii)8 (you can moderate this) fails should cost the player a life.
Part 3: Game Design 2 (Proof of Concept)
1.Similar to Part 1, build a game that challenges a player's reaction time by making them stop a sweeping series of LEDs at a specified point within the series. However, this time, use 9 LED, 9 pushbuttons and make the LED sweep at a faster rate. The challenge for this game is the amount of time a player has to react. The game appears to move faster when the time a single LED is on before the next one lights up is lowered.
a) To achieve a level completion the player has to press a button while its corresponding LED is on.
i) Therefore, if LED 0 is on, button 0 must be pressed to win. ii)Hint: think of interrupts
b) The game should use 9 LEDs and 9 buttons; the winning LED is one whose button with corresponding position value is pressed.
c) After each level is complete or micro-win, the game will decrease the time each LED is on before moving on to the next stage. A micro-win will flash an alternating pattern on the LEDs. Make sure you LED flashing pattern the is most likely unique to your design.
d) After 5 micro-wins, a more elaborate pattern will flash, signifying a big win.
e) If an attempt fails, the game will reset back to the first level, and the succession to the big win and will be restarted.
i)Before starting the game, a player should be given 5 lives.
i) Each 2 consecutive big wins should add an additional life to the player. ii)0 signifies when a player has no token and hence should not be allowed to play the game
iii)3 (you can moderate this) fails should cost the player a life.
Part 4: RGB Floodlight
1. Create a tutorial for a home security floodlight.
2. Use an RGB for the light
3. The light should only come on during the dark and automatically go off during the day time. The sensitivity threshold for daylight should be adjustable by the user
4. When the daylight intensity reduces to the threshold, the light should come on for only 5-7 seconds to show that it is activated.
a. Then it should turn on only when motion is detected within its range with a default maximum on time of 15 seconds (this should be adjustable by the user). The time should reset only when the maximum on time has elapsed.
b. Add a feature that allows the user to set the minimum distance an obstacle should be from the light before the motion detection is used to activate the light. This distance should be adjustable by the user with an input. Note: You will need another sensor that is different from a motion sensor.
c. Add an option for manual mode where the light can stay on without timing out.
5. Use a remote control (input pushbuttons not IR remote control) to play or pause the lighting effect. This should allow the output color of the RGB LED to be adjusted with pre-set colors via short-cut color buttons (including white) and also, with one button to cycle through the colors.
6. Provide dimming control and the following features: jump, stroboscopic, gradual and smooth color change. In your report, provide your definition for these features: jump, stroboscopic, gradual and smooth color change
1. Create a tutorial that controls RGB LED with a digital input signal (switch input).
2. Control the brightness of at least one LED with a potentiometer
a. Explain the significance of the map function.
3. Include Sound in your design. Use at least 4 pushbuttons connected to a single I/O pin to create different sounds.
a. For each sound output use different colour on RGB as well as the buzzer to represent the sound
b. Additionally, map the value of the variable resistor to different sound frequencies.
4. Optional: Repeat step 1 but this time, add your own creativity.
Attachment:- Evaluation of Emerging Technologies.rar