Reference no: EM13938690
Microsoft Word - Assignment Questions.docx
Question 1Read the article "Croissantonomics" and use the demand and supply model with graphs to demonstrate the changes in the market for croissants at different times of the year. Briefly explain.
Question 2 Read the article "MH370 deep in minds of Australians, Malaysia Airlines CEO Christoph Mueller says" and discuss the consumer choice of airlines. Are Malaysian Airlines tickets normal (or luxury), or inferior goods? Use a graph to show the substitution and income effects of a decrease in the price of Malaysian Airlines ticket.
Question 3 Read the article "Privatization of state-owned electricity assets" and answer the following questions:
(i) Draw a graph representing the profit of electricity companies before privatization. Briefly explain.
(ii) Draw a graph representing the profit of electricity companies after privatization which leads to increased competition. Briefly explain.
Compulsory Assignment
Instructions: ? Answer ALL questions clearly and in your own words. Where diagrams are used to illustrate your answer, they MUST be your own diagrams. • Graphing tools in word or excel may be used (unless indicated). Hand-drawn graphs are also acceptable. • Diagrams downloaded from the internet or copied from a textbook are NOT acceptable. • Where explanations in words are used, they MUST be computer typed (with a font size of 12). ? The assignment comprises 4 questions. Altogether the assignment is worth 50 marks and accounts for 10% of the total mark for the unit. The marks awarded will depend on the quality of the reasoning exhibited and the ability to express the argument in a concise manner. ? Each assignment must represent the students own work. • In particular, this means that the written answers submitted by the student must be composed by that student. • Copying of another students answer or from textbooks, or getting someone else (with or without payment) to do the assignment for you, or part thereof, is clearly regarded as plagiarism. • Cases of plagiarism will be dealt with severely. • For further information on plagiarism and how to avoid it, please refer to the university policy about academic honesty and integrity. except for cases in which an application for Disruption to Studies is made and approved.
Describe accompanying important viscoelastic characteristics
: Describe with accompanying (sketches) important viscoelastic related characteristics of tendons and ligaments when mechanically stretched. Also describe the mechanical stimuli associated with musculoskeletal tissue differentiation.
Find the most recent economic growth rate
: Find the most recent economic growth rate (or real GDP ) figure for the U.S. economy at the website. What do you think is the primary reason for this current level of economic growth or contraction? Explain your answer.
Problem regarding the arrival of aborigines
: Mining in Australia probably started with the arrival of Aborigines some 40,000 years ago when they fossicked for stones suitable for tools and weapons, and dug for ochre which they used for decorative use.
Identify and explore contemporary challenges
: Identify and explore contemporary challenges and opportunities in information systems and to formulate an opinion or judgement and offer possible solutions.
: Question 1Read the article "Croissantonomics" and use the demand and supply model with graphs to demonstrate the changes in the market for croissants at different times of the year. Briefly explain.
Ethical decision-making model
: What are the available courses of action now that I have gathered knowledge and information and considered the range of value positions? (accountability)
What exactly will you tell your patient about her condition
: What exactly will you tell your patient about her condition and what are your specific concerns about her treatment options at this time?
Mechanism to achieve secure key exchange
: In 1976 Diffie and Hellman have suggested their famous protocol for key exchange based on number theory. More recently (around 2002) I. Kanter, W. Kinzel and E. Kanter [1] proposed to use neural networks synchronization by mutual learning as the m..
Textual table describing the catalogues of retail stores
: Write a function to read a series of catalogue records from a file into a vector of catalogue objects. You will need to use the class ifstream, which is derived from istream, like so: