CRJ209 Criminal Law Assignment

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Reference no: EM132881327

CRJ209 Criminal Law - Post University

Assignment - Legality, Punishment and Technology

Keep in mind the speed at which technology and science changes and the rate at which we enact laws. Criminals are inventing new ways of committing crimes over the internet, via social media, and other technical advances. They are also creating new drugs as well.

In this assignment please address the following questions:

1. Explain "The Principle of Legality" and comment on whether it is just or not just for those who are the first to commit a new crime to not be prosecuted.

2. Contrast the "Theories of Criminal Punishment" and explain which one you identify with.

3. We are at an unprecedented time, when almost everyone has access to a cell phone or other electronic devices capable of recording audio and video and instantly uploading it to the internet or sending it to the media. Often times, recordings of crimes are seen by the masses within minutes of the incident. How does that reconcile with the "Presumption of Innocence" that every defendant is supposed to be entitled to?


The assignment shall be in APA format, typed in 12 font Times New Roman, and shall not have been turned in previously to any other instructor for any other course or assignment. Paper length is 1-2 pages not to include the cover page or bibliography. It is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document. The assignment shall be an individual effort and not a group project. Since criminal justice is a social science, the writing requirements of the American Psychological Association, otherwise known as the APA, will be in effect for the research paper assignment.

Attachment:- Criminal Law.rar

Reference no: EM132881327

Questions Cloud

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CRJ209 Criminal Law Assignment : CRJ209 Criminal Law Assignment Help and Solution, Post University - Assessment Writing Service - Explain "The Principle of Legality" and comment
Mandatory for employers to use the lifo principle : A common industrial practice is also to retrench employees based on the LIFO principle, ie "Last In, First Out" and it is not mandatory for employers to use the
The Personal Identity Verification : The Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card is used in non-military government agencies for authentication and identification to gain access to systems
Drive organizational strategy and is strategy : Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy? What might happen if the business strategy was not the driver?
Analyze the importance of quality of legal representation : Analyze the importance of the quality of the legal representation a defendant has in determining whether he or she will receive the death penalty.


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