Reference no: EM133118822
Essay Assessment
HR needs to transform itself from a partner (that can be removed or outsourced) to a payer-on the field, in the game, with the ability to score. This necessitates understanding what HR can contribute, how its systems enable it to contribute and how as ultimate deliverables can be measured.
Assessment Details: HR needs to transform itself from a partner (that can be removed or outsourced) to a player-on the field, in the game, with the ability to score. This necessitates understanding what HR can contribute, how its systems enable it to contribute and how as ultimate deliverables can be measured.
Research and critique the role HR plays in organizational performance and using publicly available HRIS information argue how organisations con use these systems to build HR scorecards that align with strategic organisational objectives.
This assessment requires students to research the following using both academic and publicly available vendor information:
The affect HR has on business performance
• HR Scorecards
• The impacts of business digitisation on HR
• Various HRIS and how they are currently being used within the workplace (Worksheet due week 5)
They then need to synthesize, critique and use this information to argue how HR can align itself with strategic organisational objectives.
SL A - Critique the affect that HR has on business performance within contemporary organisational environments
SL B - Argue the role that business digitisation has had on Human Resource Information Systems with regards to how they are used within the workplace
HCM Assessment
Source two academic papers (these could be textbook chapters, journal articles or other pieces of academic writing) that discuss business digitalisation on HR. Complete the worksheet below.
Reference One: Reference Two:
Cite the reference using the APA format
Use this space to make notes (paraphrase) on the main points raised within the paper
Use this space to write down your thoughts on how this relates to the essay question and how this information could be used in your answer