Critique and Comparison of Two Discussion Papers

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Reference no: EM132360238 , Length: word count:1500

Tourism Planning Environments Assignment - Critique & Comparison of Two Discussion Papers

Rationale: This assessment exposes you to the concept of a discussion paper - what it looks like and what its role is in the consultation phase of the policy cycle. A discussion paper is an important consultation tool used in tourism planning and policy development and in workplaces. Familiarity with discussion papers is a key employment skill. A good discussion paper addresses all elements of the policy cycle. While the tool itself is used as part of the consultation stage, it addresses the early parts of the policy cycle by identifying the issue, providing context and analysis, and identifying potential policy solutions & instruments. It also addresses the latter parts of the cycle by outlining some alternatives and providing suggestions regarding implementation and evaluation.

Task: You are to assume the position of an independent tourism planning expert and are required to source, critique and compare two publically available tourism discussion papers on topics of your choice. These may be found online via a search of the internet or specific government sites. The policy planning cycle provides the framework for your critical evaluation of each individual paper and the comparison between them. Your assessment piece will conclude with a reflection section on lessons you learnt through doing this critique and how it might assist you in writing your own Discussion Paper.

In order to complete the task you are required to:

  • Identify and introduce two relevant tourism related discussion papers and highlight the key issues they address.
  • Critique the structure of the discussion papers against the framework of the policy planning cycle.
  • Critique the content of the discussion papers with regards to sufficiency for relevant stakeholders.
  • Succinctly compare & contrast the two discussion papers with regards to structure, quality and effectiveness (i.e. your perception of the paper's effectiveness in communicating with the target audience).
  • Reflect on what you have learnt from this critique and comparison; how this assessment has/has not improved your awareness, professional skills and knowledge relating to tourism planning environments; and how it might benefit you in writing your own Discussion Paper.

Attachment:- Tourism Planning Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132360238

Questions Cloud

Compare canada and the us : Compare Canada and the US to determine how well each company are dealing with the economic changes caused by the trade agreement with China.
Describe the impact of the permanent normal trade relations : Describe the impact of the permanent normal trade relations deal on the Canadian economy with respect to our trade relations with the US and China
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of arguments : Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of arguments for protectionism such as: the infant industry argument, the environmental quality argument
Plant-based protein versus animal meat protein : Explain the reasons behind the shift and how that has influenced the equilibrium price.
Critique and Comparison of Two Discussion Papers : Southern Cross University, Australia - MKT01760 Tourism Planning Environments Assignment - Critique & Comparison of Two Discussion Papers
Think about fuel efficiency cars : Explain the reasons behind the shift and how that has influenced the equilibrium price.
Calculate the payback period using simple payback analysis : Calculate the payback period using simple payback analysis method. Determine the NPV after 7 years. Assume a discount rate of 8%.
Knowledge of the theory of market structure : Drawing on your knowledge of the theory of market structure - supplemented by appropriate media reports - comment on the statement of ACCC Chairman
What factors may explain the trend in each : Obtain the rates for each ver the last 5 years and graph over time. What factors may explain the trend in each



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Words Count: 1500. Important Tips: Make sure you are using two Discussion Papers, NOT journal articles, submissions to discussion papers or working papers. If still unclear, check with your tutor. Review the Marking Rubric and use it as a guide for writing your critique. The two discussion papers do NOT need to be about the same or similar topic or theme. Your comparison is based on their structure (measured against the policy cycle as explained in the Textbook) and on your adopted stakeholder perspective about the sufficiency of information provided - i.e. do you as a stakeholder have enough information to provide good input into the issue and do they cover your perspectives sufficiently? Thus the topic per se does not matter.


8/24/2019 4:44:19 AM

Marking rubric: Papers are clearly identified & described well & key issues are clearly defined. Structure of paper is examined against all stages of the policy planning cycle & strengths & gaps are identified. Critically examines each paper with depth & identifies strengths and/or weaknesses of each clearly & with reference to key stakeholders. Comprehensively compares & contrasts differences, strengths & weaknesses with clarity and brevity. Addresses their structure and provides very good reference to the policy cycle. Compares their quality and perceived effectiveness in communicating with the target audience with evidence. There is evidence of very good reflective processes, thinking and consideration.

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