Reference no: EM132984549
HI5029 IS Project Management - Holmes Institute
Research Paper
Critically analyzing current academic papers then presenting results and findings in a referenced written report.
Students will be able to:
a. interpret and critique a variety of project management methodologies including both traditional and agile approaches;
b. interpret user requirements and project management related data and make appropriate recommendations within a project context;
c. analyse and evaluate the role of the modern project manager including ethical, social and cultural issues in the context of IT projects;
Assignment Description:
You are expected to complete a critique and conduct a literature review to discuss a contemporary issue which an IS professional may experience and identify appropriate approaches to address this issue. The topic is "Success Factors in Project Management". You need to search in the literature and find at least ten (10) academic research papers (references) related to this topic. (Academic papers can be found in ProQuest. ProQuest instruction can be found in below. Please contact Liberian if you have further question).
A draft of the research paper (key points/headings) will be submitted in session 8 whereby each group can receive feedback. Then each group should submit the final research paper in the Blackboard by session 13.
What you need to submit for Draft submission:
1. Assignment File: You need to submit the draft version of your assignment in session 8. You need to introduce your 10 references and, in few sentences, describe why you have selected that reference and why it is relevant to topic.
» Introduction: State the purpose and objectives of the report.
» Discussion: Site the references, and the reason you have selected that reference:
1. Reference No 1: <Cite it thoroughly> Why it is relevant to the topic
2. Reference No 2: <Cite it thoroughly> Why it is relevant to the topic
3. Reference No 3: <Cite it thoroughly> Why it is relevant to the topic
10. Reference No 10: <Cite it thoroughly> Why it is relevant to the topic
» Conclusion: Summarise your findings, consolidating and drawing attention to the main points of the report.
» Referencing: reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.
» Introduction: State the purpose and objectives of the report.
» Discussion: Discuss the references, and critically analyse them and discuss how they reflect the proposed topic.
» Conclusion: Summarise your findings, consolidating and drawing attention to the main points of the report.
» Referencing: reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.
Attachment:- Project Management.rar
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