Critically reviewing and applying management theory

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Reference no: EM133524957 , Length: word count:900

Purpose: An important part of your learning is critically reviewing and applying management theory.

This assessment is a workplace simulation in two parts: a group presentation and a personal critical reflection on group performance.

The purpose of this assessment is to provide an opportunity for reflection on how your particular group operated during the various phases of the project. You will develop skills in critical reflection, documentation and writing. It also addresses key competencies in teamwork, communication, and presentation skills.

Task Description: In the week following your presentation, you will submit a short personal reflection on your experience of the team project, both in preparing for, and during the presentation.

In your Individual Critical Reflection, you must:
• Consider what you learned from preparing and delivering the presentation, how you did it, and how you might do it better in the future.
• Apply Bruce Tuckman's model of group development to your experience.
• Use theory to help articulate and explain your experience in the project team.
• Use APA 7th Referencing style.

Step 1: Task Understanding
To help you understand what you need to do for this task and how will be assessed, you must:
• Read the Instructions and Checklist carefully
• Read the Marking Rubric to understand what is required
• Read the Critical Reflection Example
• Review Resource: Student Support Hub Reflective Writing
• Review the Bruce Tuckman's model of group development (this is not covered in textbook).

Step 2: Reflective Thinking
• Before you begin writing, take a moment to consider your personal experience of working in a group. Here are some questions to guide your thinking:
o What did you learn from preparing and delivering the presentation?
o How did you go about preparing and delivering the presentation?
o How would you evaluate your performance and outcomes?
• What did you do well?
• What do you want to improve for next time?
o What management theories can help you to explain your experiences?
o What management or presentation skills do you think are important for a manager?
o What management or presentation skills do you want to improve upon?
o How did you and your team perform during each phase of Bruce Tuckman's model of group development (Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning)
o How will you apply what you have learned from this experience to future team projects?

Step 3: Plan Critical Reflection
To help you plan your IndividualCritical Reflection, use this structure, adding dot points under each heading:
• Introduction:
o Background: Provide relevant background information regarding your experience working in a group.
o Focus: State the focus of your reflection.
• Body:
o Lessons: Share the main lessons you learned from your personal experience of group work. Consider what you learned from preparing and delivering the presentation, how you did it, and especially how you might do it better in the future.
o These are some points you should reflect upon:
• Your ability to critically evaluate your own performance and outcomes.
• Your ability to relate management theories to your personal experiences.
• Your ability to present, style, source, cite, and reference in the group presentation.
• What management or presentation skills do you think are important for a manager?
• What management or presentation skills do you want to improve upon?
o Course materials: Identify theories or course material that helped you in this experience.
• Apply the Bruce Tuckman's model of group development to help articulate and explain your experience in the project team.
• You can also access materials on group decision-making (pp. 101-103)
• Conclusion:
o Review: Consider the importance of your experiences within the context of learning (ie. What are your main takeaways from this experience?)
o Restate: Restate how you will move forward from this specific experience.
o Future action: Outline additional opportunities for future growth or engagement, and how you will improve in the future.

Step 4: Write Critical Reflection
• Building on your plan, write your Critical Reflection. Things to remember:
o Be critical: state your evaluations clearly, outlining what you have learned from the experience and what you will improve next time
o Be formal: even though this assessment is reflective, it is still an academic paper
o Be factual: state your thoughts clearly, making it easy for a reader to understand
o Be selective: choose the most important and significant experiences
o Be logical: sort your ideas, thoughts, and insights in a logical order

Step 5: Review
• When you have completed your IndividualCritical Reflection, review your work carefully for spelling, grammar or other errors
• Check that citations and references match (APA 7th Referencing style).
• Read the Marking Rubric again to check that you have met the criteria
• Review the Example: Critical Reflection

Reference no: EM133524957

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Write a Review

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