Critically examine the quality of online media sources

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133422784

Question: It is the beginning of the school year and your principal has asked you to make a 3-5 minute video to share with teachers focusing on information literacy research skills and emphasizing the ethics of grade appropriate research. In your answer, address the following:

Activities for students to discover accurate, relevant, and quality information on the Internet. Provide at least one activity that is appropriate for each grade range K-3, 4-8, and 9-12.
Strategies for teachers to support students who are struggling to critically examine the quality of online media sources. Provide at least one strategy that is appropriate for each grade range K-3, 4-8, and 9-12.
Techniques for evaluating the quality and credibility of online resources.
Copyright and fair use policy in education as they apply to both students and parents.
At least two supports for educators to use when critically examining sources of online media.

Reference no: EM133422784

Questions Cloud

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How you would use this behavior trap in your setting : What is one behavior trap you would use in your own practice and why? Give an example of how you would use this behavior trap in your setting.
Provide evidence for your examples and sourcing of your : To be meaningful in your conversations, you need to provide researched information and examples in your responses and discussions. You are free as a group
Critically examine the quality of online media sources : Strategies for teachers to support students who are struggling to critically examine the quality of online media sources
What the md5 hash is for contents : Go to the Canadian mirror for Debian 10.13. What the MD5 hash is for contrib/Contents-amd64.gz
Prepare a dockerfile and push docker images to docker-hub : Every docker image will be deployed (Continuous Deployment) to a kubernetes-cluster.Fork the given repository to your own account and use it as the application
Ientifying the components of the nervous system : Draw a flow chart identifying the components of the nervous system. Include these items and specify where the brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves.
Types of stress-eustress and distress : Define the two types of stress: Eustress and Distress. Give examples of each and explain which one affects you the most. How did you or do you overcome stress?


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