Reference no: EM133678518 , Length: word count:1000
Assessment - Burden of Health
This assessment item is designed to critically examine the adverse health outcomes that are impacting on the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The task will allow students to comment on the learnt course materials and translate knowledge through evidence-based practice and strength based focus into clinical practice.
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
be able to describe, analyse and theorise the impact of health inequities from an individual and collective standpoint in relation to Indigenous peoples' historical experiences.
be able to investigate, compare and reflect on the importance of strength based and community led initiatives in improving health for Indigenous Australians, compared to government led health initiatives.
be able to critically examine how the deficit discourse influences contemporary structures of Australian society and its health institutions, and impacts health outcomes.
be able to demonstrate an understanding of the significance of Indigenous Australian perspectives on health and wellbeing and culturally safe care through reflection on contemporary Australian health practice and service delivery.
Part A;
Students are required to pick a health concern, that is a current burden of health experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from the list below. You should choose the topic you would like to research and a topic that you want to broaden your knowledge on.
Ear Health (Otitis Media)
Eye Health (Trachoma)
Preterm Birth
Type II Diabetes
Rheumatic Heart Disease
Lung Cancer
Racism and discrimination
Mental Health
Chronic Kidney Disease
Once you have chosen and researched your topic you will create a short 500word document answering THREE questions. This will be submitted to Canvas with your presentation.
You will write a response to the following THREE questions:
What is your chosen burden of health that is experienced by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples?
How does this burden of health impact the quality of life for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people? Answer this question from three perspectives -a statistical view, health outcomes, and a cultural lens.
How did researching this topic challenge your current understanding of Aboriginal health inequities?
Part B.
You are a Registered Nurse working on the ward in a metropolitan hospital and have been tasked to create and conduct this week's In-service for your colleagues. The topic this month is health concerns that are a current burden of health experienced by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Students are to use their research findings from ‘Part A' and collate their information to present to their colleagues in an educational manner.
You are to prepare an engaging PowerPoint presentation on your chosen health concern that includes a 10-minute oral recording delivered in an educational manner. This can be attached to your presentation via PowerPoint as a voice over to each individual slide OR can be recorded on Canvas via Panopto OR Zoom and submitted online.
The presentation should include 8-10 slides as a guide, and must cover the following:
Acknowledgement of Country
Introduction (Chosen health concern)
Background (Why it's important, Impact of disease, its fatality, risk factors, statistical support)
Historical impact (Describe how history has impacted the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in relation to the chosen burden of health),
Action (What cultural considerations are important in relation to this burden of health at the patient and community level?)
Outcome (Introduce a strength based approach in practice that could be role modelled in relation to this health concern, and how could that improve health outcomes?)
Education (Briefly discuss ONE Community led and culturally appropriate health promotion program or resource specific to your chosen burden of health)
Reference slide (APA7 Format)
Each aspect should be done respectfully and supported by contemporary and relevant literature (within the last 7 years).
The assessment should have a minimum of 6 references.