Critically evaluate the system abc company uses

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Reference no: EM13862373 , Length:

Encryption case study (Individual Hand-In) Print Page ABC Company uses the cloud for its applications. It uses a password management application that stores passwords in a protected file encrypted by a single password. The password is five alphabetic characters and is changed on a monthly basis by the administrator, who delegates that to a colleague in case of the administrator's absence. When a subject seeks access to a certain protected object, the application decrypts the whole file in memory and matches the subject's password with the one in the store.

The access control system does not accommodate contextual attributes in its access decision. In this Assignment, you will evaluate the potential security risks presented by the practices described.

To complete this Assignment: Critically evaluate the system ABC Company uses. Identify possible security risks and evaluate the relative threat posed by those risks. Identify and explain methods, if any, to address those risks.

For all Assignments: Your document should have 750-1,000 words (not including the list of works cited), but it is the quality of the answer that matters, not the number of words.

Reference no: EM13862373

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