Reference no: EM133827641 , Length: word count:2500
Strategic Employment Relations
Description of the assessment
In the module handbook you learnt that that for this coursework you have two assessments: a 2,500-word written assignment that demonstrates application of the module content to a real-world scenario and a 1,000-word assignment evaluating the design and implementation of discipline and grievance procedures.
Coursework Two - the task is outlined below:
Critically evaluate the discipline and grievance process and practices within your own organisation or one you are familiar with. To address this task, you must:
Undertake a critical review of current discipline and grievance practices with your chosen organisation and evaluate the effectiveness of the design of the disciplinary and grievance procedures.
Critically analyse the importance of informal resolutions to mitigate risks to your chosen organisation.
Identify and examine the roles played by managers, Employment Relations specialists and Trade Union Representatives or equivalent in the processes and practices.
Provide recommendations for your chosen organisation based on your analysis of the practices and procedures.
Provide evidence-based, data-driven, examples of how people professionals can effect change through working with employees and trade unions to mitigate organisational risks
Assessment Content
Your report should be structured according to the following format:
Title page - detailing Module number and name, title of coursework, your SID, module leader's name, date of submission (not included in word count). NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT include your own name to enable anonymous marking.
Contents page - indicating the main section headings and page numbers (not included in word count).
Introduction - Explain the aim of the report (refer to assignment brief and task). Explain how you will attempt to address the task.
Main Body - This is where you meet the requirements of the task. Take each of the three points in turn and ensure you are clear about the key concepts you are discussing. Use your reading, academic references and organisational examples to support your work.
Conclusions and recommendations - Draw together the key points from the main body of your work. Present your overall conclusion to the task. There should be no new information provided in this section but you can (and should) refer back to appropriate references. Make your recommendations based upon your already established arguments and literature. (If you wish you can use tables or bullet points to communicate details).
Reference section - Using Harvard Referencing convention (not in word count).
Appendices - ONLY include if they add specific value and are integral to your work. They should be kept to a minimum. If you are using documents or secondary sources these should not be attached as appendices and should be listed in your Reference section. Appendices are NOT an opportunity to extend your word count by relocating text into the appendices and referring to it (not in word count).
Generally (but not exclusively) assignments are written in the 3rd person. Please try and develop this skill in all your assignments unless you are explicitly told to take a different approach. Get Instant Answers to this problem!
Presentation re paragraph writing. Whilst you might write business reports in ‘sound bite` sentences, i.e. one sentence or two at most, this does not form a paragraph. It is expected that as a postgraduate student you would normally complete most of your work in ‘proper` and full paragraphs.
Presentation re bullet points. Again, these are common in business reports, and can be used in assignments, but very sparingly.
Description v analysis. Whilst some description is necessary, we want you to be analysing and evaluating using appropriate supporting references. This should be the focus of your work.
Recommendations - ask whether your recommendations are actionable and supported by your discussion, begin to think about cost and opportunity.