Critically evaluate one theory of motivation

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132250415

Assignment - Management for Social Care

Learning Outcomes - On successful completion of this module the learner should be able to:

  • Be able to analyse and apply a range of management theories to the manager's role and functions in a social care setting.
  • Be able to evaluate the contribution of the major theorists of motivation in an organisation and apply them to the social care context.
  • Be able to analyse the principles and systems used in planning, operation and evaluation of the management process.
  • Be able to critically evaluate and apply the range of competencies involved in managing and supervising staff.
  • Be able to recruit, select, manage appraisal and develop staff to take account of equal opportunities and other legislation.
  • Demonstrate an ability to Project Manage projects across a range of economic and social settings.
  • Evaluate alternative sources of funding and funding opportunities.

Assignment: Working in a social care setting can pose many challenges for the worker. In light of these challenges, critically evaluate one theory of motivation and consider ways in which a Manager can motivate their staff to work towards the organisation's goals. Use a social care setting of your choice as a basis of your supporting practical discussion.

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Reference no: EM132250415

Questions Cloud

Analyze who are of prototypical interest to you : Analyze why you feel he or she serves as an excellent model of leadership in the business world.
The difference between the cultural meaning of illness : Write a minimum of three paragraphs in discussion on the difference between the cultural meaning of illness, the social construction of illness.
What role does child abuse and exposure to intimate partner : What role does child abuse and exposure to intimate partner violence play in the probability that men will grow up to become batterers?
Create the inventory system to create the record : ICTDBS504 - Integrate database with a website - create the inventory system to create the record of the hardware's. The hardware's they store are the RAM
Critically evaluate one theory of motivation : Working in a social care setting can pose many challenges for the worker. In light of these challenges, critically evaluate one theory of motivation
In what ways does it paint addiction as a social problem : In what ways does this documentary paint addiction as a chemical problem? In what ways does it paint addiction as a social problem too?
How social and emotional intelligence are related to culture : An explanation about how you, as a social worker, might apply the concepts of emotional and/or social intelligence to the case of Andres.
What is the mission of the organization : What were your expectations, or your fears, your hopes, etc.? Did you feel prepared? Did you dread having to do this?
Define durkheims notion of collective conscience : Define Durkheim's notion of collective conscience (or consciousness). What determines the number of collective consciences.



3/7/2019 3:10:19 AM

Answer the question properly. I have highlighted the main point in the brief. It says critically, challenges and so on. This is 100% assignment and I would like to score 80% on this assignment. I would like an expert on this field. It is a social care setting and not social work. They are different field pls. I don't really have much note on this module but I will send u what I have. No introduction and conclusion just the body of it. Straight to the point please.


3/7/2019 3:10:14 AM

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3/7/2019 3:10:09 AM

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