Reference no: EM132750833
IMAT5119 Fuzzy Logic - De Montfort University
Assignment - Theoretical
Learning outcome 1: Critically evaluate fuzzy logic approaches to solve computational problems exhibiting uncertainty and imprecision.
Learning outcome 2: Have a comprehensive understanding of the successful application of fuzzy logic to several problem domains and be capable of judging whether the fuzzy paradigm might be fruitful in a novel situation.
Question 1 - Fuzzy sets
A fuzzy set A in X (classical set of objects, called the universe, whose generic elements are denoted x) is a set of ordered pairs:
A=\{(x,μ_A (x))|x∈X,μ_A (x)∈[0,1]\}.
The α-cut (α∈[0,1]) of a fuzzy set A is the ordinary set
A_α=\{x∈X|μ_A (x)≥α\}.
The strong α-cut (α∈[0,1]) of a fuzzy set A is the ordinary set
A_(α^+ )=\{x∈X|μ_A (x)>α\}.
The set of all distinct numbers in [0, 1] that are employed as membership grades of the elements of X in A is called the level set of A, denoted by L(A).
Assume minimum and maximum operators for the intersection and union of fuzzy sets. Answer the following:
Given any two fuzzy sets A and B, prove that the following properties hold:
(A∪B)_α=A_α∪B_α and (A ∩B)_α=A_α∩B_α.
The support of A, denoted supp(A), is defined as the set of elements of X that have nonzero membership in A. The core of A, denoted core(A), is defined as the set of elements of X that have membership in A equal to 1.
How do supp(A) and core(A) relate to the α-cuts and the strong α-cuts of A?
Given the discrete fuzzy sets A=\{(0.2,x_1 ),(0.4,x_2 ),(0.6,x_3 ),(0.8,x_4 ),(1,x_5)\}, obtain L(A), and provide all the distinct α-cuts of A.
What is the relationship between A_(α_1 ) and A_(α_2 ) when α_1< α_2?
The membership function of A can be expressed in terms of the characteristic functions of its α-cuts according to the formula:
μ_A (x)=sup-(α∈[0,1] ) α⋅μ_(A_α ) (x) where μ_(A_α ) (x)={(1 iff x∈A_α@0 otherwise)¦
sup means superior (the maximum value of those obtained when multiplying the distinct values of α in the level set L(A) with 1 or 0 - the value of μ_(A_α ) (x) - depending on whether an x value belongs or not to the alpha-level set A_α).
In the case of a discrete fuzzy set we have α∈L(A). Show that this is true for the discrete fuzzy set given in c).
Question 2 - Decision making in a fuzzy environment
Fuzziness can be introduced at several points in the existing models of decision making.
Bellman and Zadeh in 1970 suggested a fuzzy model of decisions that must accommodate certain constraints C and goals G. Provide a description of this model.
Suppose we must choose one of four different jobs a, b, c, and d, the salaries of which are given by the function f such that:
f(a)=30,000,f(b)=25,000,f(c)=20,000 and f(d)=15,000.
Our goal is to choose the job that will give us a high salary given the constraints that the job is interesting and within close driving distance.
The first constraint of interest value is represented by the fuzzy set
The second constraint concerning the driving distance to each job is defined by the fuzzy set
The fuzzy goal G of a high salary is defined by the membership function
μ_G (x)={(0 for x<13,[email protected](x/1000-40)^2+1 for 13,000≤x≤40,000@1 for x>40,000)¦
Which is the best job when applying Bellman and Zadeh's fuzzy decision model?
Question 3 - ANFIS
Consider the IRIS data seen in the practical exercises. Explain how data such as this can be used to generate a fuzzy system using ANFIS. Illustrate your answer with examples from the lab work you did using ANFIS with the IRIS data. Include in your answer a brief discussion of when it is appropriate to use ANFIS to build a fuzzy system and identify some of the decisions that need to be made in order to generate a useful system.
Question 4 - Type 2 fuzzy logic
Write a short essay (about 2 pages not including bibliography & references) to discuss why there is a perceived need for the type-2 fuzzy logic and consider the areas of application where type-2 fuzzy sets might provide a solution. Your answer should include a brief definition of a type-2 fuzzy set (illustrate with diagram(s) and example(s)). It should also make reference to issues associated with the practical implementation of type-2 fuzzy logic and to the approaches that have been developed.
Attachment:- Fuzzy logic course.rar