Reference no: EM133079025 , Length: word count:4000
COM6003 Computer Systems Security - Arden University
Assignment Brief: As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Computer Systems Security assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.
Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of common security risks and recognise the importance of risk analysis within different IT environments.
Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the key approaches to cryptography and their application
Learning Outcome 3: Critically evaluate relevant literature with regard to notable security issues.
Learning Outcome 4: Create a risk analysis for a given scenario with reference to compliance with security policies
Learning Outcome 5: Critically evaluate legal, social and ethical issues of secure systems.
Responsible Global Citizenship - Understand global issues and their place in a globalised economy, ethical decision-making and accountability. Adopt self-awareness, openness, and sensitivity to diversity in culture.
Your assignment should include: a title page containing your student number, the module name, the submission deadline and a word count; the appendices if relevant; and a reference list in Arden University (AU) Harvard format. You should address all the elements of the assignment task listed below. Please note that tutors will use the assessment criteria set out below in assessing your work.
Maximum word count: 4,000 words
Assignment Task
To make this assignment more relevant and interesting for you, you will select your own real- world organization (and thus case study) and then apply the concepts and techniques you have learned from this module to that case study. The case study you select must not have been used by you, or any other student, in any other module current or historic. Please ensure you check your selected organization and the scope of the case study with your tutor before starting.
Your selected organization for this case study intends to upgrade their current IT infrastructure to meet the organizational IT needs in the 21st century. You have an option of using a technology of your choice or technologies such as Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Content Centric Networking, or Software Defined Networks for this upgrade. You as an IT Lead have been asked to write a report for the management justifying viability of the proposed future IT infrastructure in the context of its security.
Assessment Task 1
a) Discuss briefly the profile of your selected organization, its existing IT infrastructure, and pertinent issues with the current infrastructure to justify the need for an infrastructure upgrade.
b) Identify and justify the choice of technology (or technologies) you are proposing to use to upgrade the IT Infrastructure of your selected organization. You are expected to briefly compare technologies to justify your choice.
c) In the context of proposed future IT infrastructure for your organization, discuss critical assets (including information assets) that will need protection, and list vulnerabilities related to each of the identified assets.
Assessment Task 2
a) Risk analysis lies at the heart of any successful IT project. Through arguments backed by literature, justify the importance of risk analysis phase in any IT project. Also discuss what risk analysis process in relation to IT infrastructure projects entails.
b) Critically evaluate a range of pertinent security risks posed to the selected organization in context of their proposed IT infrastructure upgraded through the technology of your choice. Also, briefly discuss the proposed protection against those risks.
c) Conduct a detailed risk analysis of your organization based on the risks evaluated in Task 2b.
Assessment Task 3
a) Critically evaluate key aspects of the security policy of your selected organization (or an organization of a similar profile and size) also discussing how effective the policy is in protecting against security risks evaluated in Task 2b.
b) Cryptography acts as a key measure in tackling a range of security threats. Discuss a cryptographic approach (or a combination of approaches) you are proposing for your organization to adopt and justify your choice by briefly comparing your approach against other available approaches. Explain in what areas of your organization's future IT infrastructure you will use the proposed cryptographic approach.
Assessment Task 4
a) Provide a brief assessment of the security of your proposed IT infrastructure using layered security approach.
b) Critically evaluate legal, social and ethical issues in relation to the security of proposed IT infrastructure.