1/17/2018 7:18:22 AM
Excellent understanding of factual
and conceptual material, relative to this level, including some understanding of the limits to knowledge in this area. Coherent arguments,
systematically referencing primary and secondary sources, with clear rationale for
choices. Professional visual
presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.
Calculations are accurate, clearly set out, with very good explanations. Very good integration of theory and practice, for this level, using appropriate conceptual
frameworks. Correct use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.
Independent, relevant reading and research, from authoritative primary and secondary sources, appropriate to this level. Very good application of numerical and statistical methods to defined problems. Very good, consistent, flexible delivery of group work obligations, for this level. Accepts responsibility and ameliorates conflict.
Undertakes complex tasks.
1/17/2018 7:18:16 AM
Includes relevant factual content only. Clear and logically structured material, showing very good understanding of the
discipline. Accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.
Accurate identification of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles, with evidence of a systematic approach, appropriate to this level. Information or data selected from a good range of relevant, current primary and secondary literature, and categorised, analysed or evaluated using
relevant, methods or techniques. Professional writing style, appropriate to the assignment OR engaging, confident, audible and well paced presentation. Very good use of technical vocabulary, where appropriate.
1/17/2018 7:18:09 AM
Includes relevant factual content only. Clearly structured material, with some gaps in logic, but demonstrates understanding of the
discipline. Mostly accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.
Mainly accurate identification of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles, appropriate to this level. Information or data selected from mainly relevant primary and secondary sources, and categorised, analysed or evaluated using relevant methods or techniques but with minor gaps or
misunderstandings. Mainly fluent writing style, appropriate to the assignment OR mainly engaging, audible and well paced presentation. Good use of technical vocabulary, where appropriate.
1/17/2018 7:18:03 AM
Very good understanding of factual and conceptual material, relative to this level, showing some appreciation of the limits of knowledge in this area. Mostly coherent arguments, with some perceptive points, referencing well selected primary and secondary
literature. Mostly professional visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.
Calculations are mainly accurate, clearly set out, with good explanations. Good integration of theory and practice, for this level, using
appropriate conceptual Mostly correct use of academic conventions, references and
1/17/2018 7:17:57 AM
Independent reading and research from a range of mostly authoritative primary and secondary sources, appropriate to this level. Mainly good application of numerical and statistical methods to defined problems, with some gaps, errors or misunderstandings. Consistent delivery of group work obligations, for this level. Some ability to accept responsibility and modify responses.
Undertakes non-routine tasks.
Some relevant
recommendations. Satisfactory awareness of ethical issues, where relevant. Clear reflection on own
strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills. Partial identification
of required actions.
1/17/2018 7:17:52 AM
Includes essential required factual content, but with some gaps or misunderstandings. Satisfactory introduction and conclusions. Within 10% of word count or presentation time.
Includes some irrelevant factual content. Mostly clearly structured material, with some gaps in logic. Some mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.
Adequate identification of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles, appropriate to this level. Information or data selected from mainly secondary sources, and categorised, analysed or evaluated using mostly relevant methods or techniques but with gaps
or misunderstandings. Writing style is appropriate but not always fluent OR a presentation that is not always engaging, audible or well paced. Some use of technical vocabulary, where appropriate.
1/17/2018 7:17:45 AM
Satisfactory understanding of factual and conceptual material, relative to this level, showing basic
appreciation of the limits of knowledge in this area. Satisfactory arguments, referencing mostly secondary literature. Appropriate visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins,
headings, graphics, images and appendices.
Calculations may have some inaccuracies, or issues relating to set out and explanation. An adequate attempt to relate theory to practice, for this level. Inconsistent use of academic conventions, references and
Adequate independent reading and research from mostly secondary sources, appropriate to this level. Adequate application of numerical and statistical methods to defined
problems, with some gaps or errors. Inconsistent delivery of group work obligations, for this level. Some
awareness of responsibility and options.
Basic recommendations. Satisfactory awareness of ethical issues, where relevant. Some evaluation of own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and practical skills. Limited identification
of required actions.
1/17/2018 7:17:38 AM
Includes considerable irrelevant factual content. Unevenly structured material, with many gaps in logic. Frequent mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.
Some identification of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles, appropriate to this level. Information or data selected from secondary sources, and poorly categorised, analysed or evaluated using inappropriate methods
or techniques. Awkward or inappropriate writing style OR a presentation that is not engaging, audible or well paced. Does not use technical vocabulary,
where appropriate.
Basic understanding of factual and conceptual material, relative to this level, showing very limited appreciation of the limits of knowledge in this area. Sense of emerging argument, mainly descriptive or personal opinion, with limited and superficial reference to literature. Negligible use
of primary literature. Inappropriate visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and appendices.
1/17/2018 7:17:31 AM
Calculations are often inaccurate, with many issues relating to set out and explanation. Little attempt to relate theory to practice, using
appropriate conceptual frameworks. Inconsistent or incomplete use of academic
conventions, references and bibliography.
Basic independent reading and
research from secondary sources, appropriate to this level. Weak application of
numerical and statistical methods to defined
problems, with many gaps or errors. Unreliable delivery of
group work obligations, for this level. Limited awareness of options.
recommendations. Little awareness of ethical issues, where relevant. Limited reflection on own
strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined
professional and practical skills.
1/17/2018 7:17:25 AM
Limited identification of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles, appropriate to this level, showing no appreciation of the limits of knowledge in this area. Little selection of information or data, and little attempt at collation, categorisation, analysis or evaluation. Poor writing style OR a presentation that is not engaging, audible or well paced. Does not use technical vocabulary,
where appropriate.
Limited understanding of factual and conceptual material, relative to this level. Little or no argument, entirely descriptive or personal opinion, with no reference to
literature. Poor visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins, headings, graphics, images and
1/17/2018 7:17:20 AM
Calculations are mostly inaccurate, or incorrectly set out or explained. Theory not related to practice, using
appropriate conceptual frameworks. Inaccurate or incomplete use of academic
conventions, references and bibliography.
Minimal independent reading and research, appropriate to this level. Very weak application of numerical and statistical methods to defined problems, with
significant errors. Poor delivery of group work obligations, for this level. No awareness of options.
Irrelevant or no recommendations. Little or no awareness of ethical issues, where
relevant. Very limited reflection on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined professional and
practical skills.
1/17/2018 7:17:15 AM
Limited understanding of factual and conceptual material, relative to this level, showing no appreciation of the limits of knowledge in this area. No argument, entirely descriptive or personal opinion, with no reference to literature. Very poor visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins,
headings, graphics, images and appendices.
Calculations are inaccurate, with no explanations. Theory not related to practice. Very inaccurate or no use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.
No independent reading and
research, appropriate to this level. Minimal application of
numerical and statistical methods and techniques to defined problems, with significant errors. Very poor delivery of
group work obligations, where relevant.
1/17/2018 7:17:10 AM
Limited understanding of factual and conceptual material, relative to this level, showing no appreciation of the limits of knowledge in this area. No argument, entirely descriptive or personal opinion, with no reference to literature. Very poor visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins,
headings, graphics, images and appendices.
Calculations are inaccurate, with no explanations. Theory not related to practice. Very inaccurate or no use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.
No independent reading and
research, appropriate to this level. Minimal application of
numerical and statistical methods and techniques to defined problems, with significant errors. Very poor delivery of
group work obligations, where relevant.
1/17/2018 7:17:04 AM
FAIL. NO COMPENSATION. Does not include required factual content. No introduction and conclusions. More than 10% outside word count or presentation time.
Includes entirely irrelevant factual content. Very incoherently structured material. Serious and extensive mistakes in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, paragraphing.
No identification of relevant concepts, theories and/or principles. No evidence of the selection, categorisation, analysis or evaluation of information or data. Incoherent writing style OR an inaudible, poorly paced and unengaging presentation.
1/17/2018 7:16:58 AM
No understanding of factual and conceptual material, showing no appreciation of the limits of knowledge in this area. No argument, entirely personal opinion, with no reference to sources. Exceptionally poor visual presentation, including font, spacing, margins,
headings, graphics, images and appendices.
Calculations are missing, with no explanations. Theory not related to practice. No use of academic conventions, references and bibliography.
No independent reading and research, appropriate to this level. No application of numerical and statistical methods to defined problems. No delivery of group work obligations, for this level.
No recommendations.
No awareness of ethical issues, where relevant. No evaluation of own
strengths and weaknesses in relation to defined
professional and practical skills.
1/17/2018 7:16:06 AM
Graduate Skills:
employability, practical
and academic skills
Factual and conceptual
knowledge and understanding;
use of class materials;
independent reading
Critical thinking;
creativity; synthesis,
analysis and
application; problem
solving and
Written, oral and
presentation skills;
interpersonal, group and
teamwork skills;
leadership skills;
numeracy; digital skills;
practical, professional
and academic skills
1/17/2018 7:15:32 AM
Knowledge and Skills Assessed: -
Campaign process:
• Scheduling
• Display Network
• Remarketing
• Settings
• Attributes
• Keyword selection
• Ad Copy
• Budgets
Knowledge and Skills Assessed: -
• AdWords
Knowledge and Skills Assessed: -
Campaign management:
• Conversions
• Ad Rank
• Bidding
1/17/2018 7:15:25 AM
Knowledge and Skills Assessed: -
• Key aspects
• Tools
• Strengths of PPC
Knowledge and Skills Assessed: -
• Keyword research
• Google PPC
Knowledge and Skills Assessed: -
• Research tools
1/17/2018 7:15:18 AM
Knowledge and Skills Assessed: -
Off-Page Optimization
• Definition
• Link building methods
• Google+ optimization
Knowledge and Skills Assessed: -
• KPI measures
3. Search Marketing (PPC) 11
Learning Outcomes Assessed: -
• leverage pay-per-click advertising to drive quality traffic to a website
• set up a Google AdWords account and develop an AdWords campaign
• use tools to run and manage successful PPC campaigns and to increase return-on-investment
• analyze existing search marketing activity and tailor paid campaigns to enhance engagement
• set a PPC budget and report on the effectiveness of a PPC campaign
1/17/2018 7:15:11 AM
Knowledge and Skills Assessed: -
Technical Optimization
• Definition
• SEO tags
• Site speed
• Sitemap
• Webmaster tools
Knowledge and Skills Assessed: -
On-Page Optimization
• Content: Keywords
• Content: Updates
1/17/2018 7:15:00 AM
2. Search Marketing (SEO)
Learning Outcomes Assessed: -
• boost a website’s organic search ranking using on-page and off-page elements
• execute keyword research and select suitable keywords for website content
• create content and meta-elements throughout a website
• use a range of tools to help search engines find, index and rank a website
• measure SEO efforts by evaluating key metrics
Knowledge and Skills Assessed: -
• SEO Definition
• Positioning
• SEO Process
• SEO elements
1/17/2018 7:14:51 AM
1. Introduction to Digital Marketing
Learning Outcomes Assessed: -
• harness the power of digital marketing within the marketing strategy for an organization
• build digital marketing campaigns
• develop an integrated digital marketing approach across the variety of specialisms: search, display, email, social media, mobile and analytics
• manage and evaluate digital marketing efforts and budgets
Knowledge and Skills Assessed: -
• Define Digital Marketing
• Traditional Marketing approach
• Opportunity for Digital Marketing
• Market Research
• Search Marketing channel
• Define analytics
1/17/2018 7:14:39 AM
You are responsible for ensuring you understand the policy and regulations about academic misconduct. You must:
• Complete this work alone except where required or allowed by this assignment briefing paper and ensure it has not been written or composed by or with the assistance of any other person.
• Make sure all sentences or passages quoted from other people’s work in this assignment (with or without trivial changes) are in quotation marks, and are specifically acknowledged by reference to the author, work and page.