Critically discuss the concept of project selection

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133817665 , Length: word count:5000

Advanced Project Management

For this assessment you are required to choose one the following two scenarios:

Scenario 1 - Your own Project and Company
You can select a company and a project you are currently working on, or you have worked on in the past. You should have (or had) a role in the project. Get Homework Help Now!
If you choose this scenario, your report should start with a short introduction of no more than 100 words that includes:
A description of the company that you are working for or have worked with.
Your role in the project, e.g., project manager or project assistant etc.
A brief description of the project.
Please Note: You may not select Scenario 1 if you do not meet the above criteria
Scenario 2 - The Hilti Group implements the new cloud-based software Salesforce
In 2018 the Hilti Group (i.e., a multinational company that develops, manufactures and sales professional product for the construction sector), has decided after 20 years to update the IT software used by its marketing and sales employees and migrate from SAP to Salesforce (i.e., a new could-based CRM system). This change requires the migration of all information from the old SAP to the new Salesforce software and re-skilling of all IT, marketing and sales employees. The project is still running and by the time it will be completed, more than 20.000 employees across 23 countries will been involved and/or affected by this transformation. This project currently represents one of the biggest steps in Hilti's digital transformation strategy to date.

Here are some additional resources for background information:
Avi Kahn, member of the board of directors, discusses the project

Additional independent research is needed to perform this assessment. When information is not available you can make your own assumptions, but you must list your assumptions and what they are based upon.

Your Task
You are a project management consultant and have been tasked by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company of your chosen scenario to provide a 5000-word consultancy report, written in an academic style about the project. The report must cover the following sections:

Project Selection and Portfolio Management
Critically discuss the concept of project selection and then advise the company about which screening model you would recommend they use for selecting projects that are aligned to their strategy (e.g., checklist, simplified scoring, analytical hierarchy, profile). Critically justify your recommendation.

Critically discuss the concepts and differences between Projects, Programs and Portfolios. Should your chosen scenario be project managed or program managed? Justify your explanation using academic literature.

Finally, give recommendations to the company on how to effectively manage a project portfolio using a suitable framework (e.g., you can use the project portfolio matrix or any other relevant frameworks or theoretical models to support your argument).

The Organisational Context
This part of the report focuses on the specific project presented in your chosen scenario (1 or 2).
Based on the company's strategic goals and directions, critical discuss how your chosen project, is linked to the company's strategy (you can use the TOWS matrix, or any other relevant framework or theoretical model to support your discussion).

Based on the company's strategy and project, you are required to recommend an organisational structure (e.g., functional, divisional, project, matrix, hybrid, or any other relevant organisational structure), the company should adopt to increase the likelihood of success of the project.

Critically analyse three key factors that affect the development of an organisational culture and how these could relate to your project of choice.

Project Governance
This part of the report focuses on giving advice about the best way to make decisions within the project.
You are required to select two project governance frameworks of your choice (e.g., Stage Gate, OCG Gateway, Project Management Maturity, Praxis etc.). Critically discuss and compare the advantages and disadvantages of these two project governance frameworks, in relation to your project of choice.
Recommend to the CEO, which governance framework would enhance the success of your project. Justify your recommendation with the support of academic literature and references to other similar real-life projects

Critically evaluate the three pillars of Project Governance and recommend how they can relate to your project.

Critically evaluate how the Board of Directors could influence the Project Board and how this impact the outcome of a project. Support your evaluation with academic literature or/and similar case studies.

Evaluate the role of the project leader in the project of your selected project and with the support of academic literature critically discuss how different leadership styles can affect the success of the project.

Critically discuss three reasons why project teams can fail and what could be done in your project to prevent this. Support your discussion with academic literature or/and similar real life project examples

Advanced Planning and Scheduling
To support the delivery of the project of your chosen scenario you are required to:
Critically discuss why Waterfall methodologies better suite construction and engineering projects, compared to Agile projects better suiting software development projects. Support your recommendation with academic literature.

Recommend to the CEO which project management methodology (discussed above) would best suit your project. Support your recommendation with academic literature and references to other similar real-life projects.

Managing and Leading Change
Analyse two change management models of your choice and then justify why Change Management is important to implement to enhance the success of your project.

Critically evaluate the roles and responsibilities of the Project Manager in managing changes generated by your project. Support your discussion with academic literature

Presentation and Structure
The report will use a consistent approach to headings, tables, and graphs. Sources will be correctly cited and there will be a complete set of references in the correct format and in alphabetical order (using Harvard Referencing). There is evidence of extensive independent reading and research. Formatting and presentation is professional throughout.

Reference no: EM133817665

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