Critically debate the different theoretical traditions

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132257976 , Length: 2800 Words

The Human Resource Professional Assignment -

Objective: Please prepare your views to the following questions in light of the information presented in the question and the course materials. Your answers must defend your point of view. You need to justify your views wherever possible. Moreover, the objective of this assignment is to understand and analyze: Understanding theoretical perspectives on Contemporary leadership and Leadership development in Organizations.

Leadership Development - Both business leaders and HRM professionals agree that the support and development of leaders within an organisation is vital to achieving business objectives. Two recent reports by the CIPD (the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development in the UK) in 2012 conclude that investment in future leaders and in the areas of leadership and management development remain key priorities. In the earlier units of this module we have already seen how leadership and management development are important; if line managers are to be supported in leading their teams, for example, they need to be provided with effective guidance, support and training. If organizations and sectors, and even nations, are to develop leaders for the future, they need to have a keen awareness of ethics and corporate social responsibility. Moreover, if future leaders of a business are to be recruited, developed and retained by an organisation, an effective performance management system and high levels of engagement are crucial elements of HRM strategy. Leadership is, then, a major issue and responsibility for the HR function and anessential part of an HR practitioner's own skills and development.

Questions 1 - 1250 words

Critically debate the different theoretical traditions that inform understandings of contemporary leadership.

Question 2 - 1250 words

Critically evaluate the planning, designing and/or implementing HR projects or policies specifically designed to enhance leadership capacity within your organization or an organization you are familiar with.

Guidance -

Question 1: Candidate search the recent literature (2010-2018) , both academic and practitioner , on "leadership "theories . Candidate should discuss various theoretical perspectives on leadership and show evidence of understanding of contemporary leadership perspectives.

Question 2: Candidate need to conduct a study of leadership development practices of their own organization or an organization they are familiar with. The study should include evaluating policies, interviewing HR executives responsible for leadership development, and any other relevant method to have a comprehensive understanding of leadership development at the organization. Prepare a critical report on the same.

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Reference no: EM132257976

Questions Cloud

Briefly introduce the company and the incident that occurred : Based on the nature of the event or disaster, did the organization have an environmental or social responsibility to its community? If not, explain.
What is the primary market for ferrari sales : What is the primary market for Ferrari sales? What are the major challenges facing Ferrari's continued success as a publicly traded company?
What kind of fiscal policy is needed to reduce unemployment : What kind of fiscal policy is needed to reduce unemployment problem - What kind of monetary policy is needed to fight inflation problem
Write a comprehensive social media marketing plan : You are required to write a comprehensive social media marketing plan for a chosen company. You will prepare a social media marketing plan for the ACC Company.
Critically debate the different theoretical traditions : B863 The Human Resource Professional Assignment, Arab Open University, Kuwait. Critically debate the different theoretical traditions
Define five stages of the consumer buying decision process : What are the five stages of the consumer buying decision process? How can you use this information to your advantage as a marketer?
What are the conclusions and recommendations : From the list of assigned readings included in this course, or another article of your choice from the Harvard Business Review, choose an article that deals.
Discuss the variables that are to be examined : Discuss the variables that are to be examined such as volume of paper-based records and file size of digital data.
How do gold futures contracts work : How do gold futures contracts work? What are the primary differences between futures and forward contracts? Suppose Michelson took a long position.



3/16/2019 12:41:06 AM

Word count for TMA submissions - Maximum word count of 750 words each for Question 1 and 2 and 1000 words for question 3. Total 2500 words (+/- 10%) (Excluding references). TMAs having word count exceeding or below the acceptable word limit will subject the TMA to penalties (words above the allowed 10% will not be marked).


3/16/2019 12:41:01 AM

Please read these instructions carefully and answer the questions. Please use standard A4 size paper for submitting the hard copy of your TMA02. Your name, personal identifier, course and assignment numbers must appear at the top of each sheet. A soft copy of your TMA02 must be uploaded to the university moodle within the indicated cut-off date. The hard & soft copies must be identical. Please leave wide margins and space at the end of each sheet for tutor comments. It is better to use double spacing so that you can easily handwrite corrections to your drafts and tutors have space to include their feedback on the script. Start each question in the assignment on a new page.


3/16/2019 12:40:54 AM

MARKS DISTRIBUTION: This assignment will be graded out of 100 marks, which will be allocated to your answer for the three questions. 20% will be deducted based on the following criteria: 10% for improper referencing (5% in-text referencing and 5% end-text references). 5 % for non-adherence to specified word count. 5% for the use of the E-library/External resources. (This should affect the quality of the answer, and the ‘penalty’ for this will be a lower grade. Don’t you think so?)


3/16/2019 12:40:49 AM

The following criteria will be used to award grade points – Outstanding - Answer demonstrates a high degree of perception and originality. Comprehensive in coverage of salient points. Shows complete comprehension of material and exceptional insight in interpretation/analysis/evaluation. Evidence of extensive appropriate reading and independent research. Arguments supported by appropriate examples/evidence/case studies. Structure/grammar/referencing is outstanding. Evaluation - The assignment will be evaluated on: The degree of insight offered and the level of critical analysis applied (as compared to description). The link to concepts presented in the course (the quality of the link is critical, not the number of concepts used) and the use of (well referenced) external resources. Whether the recommendations are valuable, realistic, and well supported.


3/16/2019 12:40:44 AM

Completing and sending your assignments - When you have completed your TMA, you must fill in the assignment form (PT3), taking care to fill all information correctly including your personal identifier, course code, section & tutor, and assignment numbers. Each TMA and its PT3 form should be uploaded on the AOU branch moodle on or before the cut-off date. Late submissions require approval from the branch course coordinator and will be subject to grade deductions that may amount to a zero grade. All assignments are treated in strict confidence. If you feel that you are unable to meet the cut-off date of the TMA because of unusual circumstances, please contact your tutor as soon as possible to discuss a possible extension to the cut-off date.

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