Critically assess the relationship marketing approach

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132404339

Marketing and Services Management - University of Salford

Individual Essay

Learning Outcomes

1. Critically and effectively assess the value of theories, concepts and models to the practices of the service sector and how they manage service quality;

2. Critically assess the relationship marketing (RM) approach in marketing theory and practice and evaluate critically the importance of ‘interactions', ‘networks' and service processes in modern marketing;

3. Demonstrate critical awareness of ‘experiential marketing', and how this can be complemented through Social Media Marketing in a way with which organisations and consumers can ‘co-create value'.

Task details and instructions

Critically evaluate how research based on the gap model of service quality has evolved over time , and how it is useful in in understanding customer relationships with organisations. Illustrate your answer with real life examples.

As a guide you should:

(a) Review the academic literature on the gap model of service quality

(b) Review what is meant by customer relationships using academic literature

(c) Evaluate the connections between the gap model and customer relationships using academic literature.

(d) Illustrate throughout your answer the theory of gap model and customer relationships using examples.

Your work should be in a creative, critical and evaluative manner. Ensure that your arguments are clear and logical and where appropriate include academic sources, i.e. academic journal papers, which add weight to your points raised. Please show in your list of references an appropriate breadth and depth of references relevant to the topic.

Your work must be correctly referenced throughout in the Harvard format.

Attachment:- Marketing and Services Management.rar

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Evaluation of modern marketing methods helps in identifying the most suitable manner in which the same can be utilized by companies for improving their customer engagement and satisfaction levels.The study explored the gap model for service quality ass well as the modern marketing strategies and their effectiveness with respect to global companies

Reference no: EM132404339

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