Reference no: EM132341830
Purpose: To develop skills in critically appraising two published research articles (one quantitative and the other qualitative) and to critically appraise the quality of reported information
• The point of this assessment is to convince us teaching staff that you understand the strengths and limitations of research articles, from the two types of research, qualitative and quantitative.
• Those with eagle-eyes among us will notice that the CASP checklist is only for Qualitative and RCT research articles--however, I encourage you to use the Qualitative CASP checklist if your chosen quantitative article is not an RCT.
• The articles do not have to be on the same topic, although this may be easier if you already have an area of interest in mind and/or experience in a given area.
• I'd suggest you use the CASP checklist questions as your sub-headings in your report, unlike other assignments when I tell you to use the criteria in the marking rubric as your sub-headings. After all, it is going to be a report.
• Criterion 4 includes discussing the validity of data collection measures.
• Criterion 5 relates to you understanding the potential implications of what you reported before it.
Research article 1 - Making decisions for people with dementia who lack capacity: qualitative study of family carers in UK
Research article 2 - Effect of tai chi versus aerobic exercise for fbromyalgia: comparative effectiveness randomized controlled trial
Attachment:- Critical appraisal of the Wakefield.rar