Reference no: EM132947027
PUBH6005 Epidemiology
Part A: Critical Appraisal
Learning Outcome 1: Critically examine various research designs, in observation and experimental studies
Learning Outcome 2: Analyse and interpret measures of association
Learning Outcome 3: Critically appraise epidemiological studies to answer a specific research question on types of biases, chance, confounding factors, causation and association.
In Assessment 3: Part A, you are able to apply your knowledge of critical appraisal using a checklist to detail bias, chance and confounding factors within research studies. The skills gained from this assessment allow you to critically appraise epidemiological research and undertake comprehensive reviews of research studies in Public Health.
Part A requires you to perform a critical appraisal on 2 research articles. A template is provided on your Blackboard page to guide you through the criteria you need to respond to for each research article.
Your answers should be approximately 1500 words in total. Please provide the answers in the template for each appraisal.
Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Instructions Part A
Please carefully read the 2 research articles provided on the Blackboard Assessment page.
Then, conduct a critically appraisal of each using the checklist template provided, answers can be added directly to the template. Be sure to select the relevant checklist to the study design of the articles provided.
In the template , you are required to answer either "Yes", "No" or "Unclear" for each criteria. You will need to provide the "Evidence" that you found in the article to support these r answers. You may state your justification, compare and contrast the findings and/or provide a solution.
Part B: Report: Critical Appraisal to Determine Causality
Learning Outcome 1: Critically examine various research designs, in observation and experimental studies
Learning Outcome 2: Analyse and interpret measures of association
Learning Outcome 3: Critically appraise epidemiological studies to answer a specific research question on types of biases, chance, confounding factors, causation and association.
In Part B, you are able to apply their knowledge of causation and association. The skills gained from this assessment allows you to make a judgement on causality and association based on the epidemiological research and evidence. You will demonstrate your ability to apply the Bradford Hills criteria, a key tool in determining association and causality within epidemiological studies.
Establishing association and causality are key skills in epidemiological disease investigation.
Part B requires you to choose one of the articles that you have critically appraised in Part A, and using the Bradford Hills criteria as a guide, write a 1000-word report on your judgement of association and causation. You will need to provide your opinion/decision/recommendations for each of the Bradford Hills criteria. Headings can be utilised where required.
You may need to search for additional research articles to support your findings. Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Select 1 of the 2 articles that you critically appraised in Part A. Based on the feedback provided to you by your Learning Facilitator, write a report using the Bradford Hill's Criteria as a guide to present your opinion/decision/recommendation establishing the causality and association of the findings.
Your final paragraph should summarise your judgement based on each of the Bradford Hill criteria. Your report should include each of the headings below:
1 Introduction
2 Body/Critical Appraisal of Causality
2.1 Temporality
2.2 Strength of association
2.3 Consistency
2.4 Dose-response relationships
2.5 Biological plausibility
2.6 Specificity
2.7 Experimental data
2.8 Coherence
2.9 Analogy
3 Conclusion/Summary
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style.
Attachment:- Epidemiology.rar