Reference no: EM133058199 , Length: word count:3000
Sciences Applied to Decision Making in Nursing Practice
Summative Assessment
LO1 Articulate an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the sciences underpinning clinical decision-making and apply this to ensure safe clinical practice
Students should give a clear account of relevant sciences covered in the module related to physical and/or mental health This should include an understanding of what goes wrong and how this impact on normal function.
LO2: Evaluate assessment data and make appropriate decisions in response to alterations in a patient's physical or mental condition across the lifespan.
Students should show understanding of a structured assessment process using and appropriate tool. They should demonstrate an understanding of normal and abnormal findings and the relevance to the patient's condition.
LO3: Confidently and effectively communicate patient information applying recognised tools and frameworks using enhanced interpersonal skills.
Students should clearly communicate findings from assessment using a recognised tool and hand over assessment findings.
LO4: Critically apply knowledge of pharmacology to a variety of scenarios and Contexts.
Students should show knowledge of medications used in the conditions covered in this module. They should be able to identify wanted and major unwanted effects using their knowledge of normal and abnormal physiology and/or psychology. In addition, the student should be able to cite relevant contemporary evidence and or guidelines to support the assessment and decision making.
Mental Health Nursing scenario
Question No.1:
Scenario : Focus Schizophrenia
Mark aged 23, was assessed by the Crisis Resolution Team because his family had become concerned about his behaviour. Over the last 6 months he had terminated his part time work.
He had also become increasingly reclusive by spending more time alone in his flat, refusing to answer the door to see his friends.
After some inappropriate suspiciousness, he allowed the Crisis Team into his flat and he then disclosed that government scientists had started to perform experiments on him over the last year. These involved the insertion of an electrode into his brain that detected gamma rays transmitted from government headquarters, which issued him with commands and ‘planted' strange ideas in his head. When asked how he knew this, he replied that he heard the ‘men's voices' as ‘clear as day' and that they continually commented on what he was thinking. He explained that his suspicion that ‘all was not right' was confirmed when he heard the neighbour's dog barking in the middle of the night -at that point he knew ‘for certain' that he was being interfered with.
General Criteria for Guided Reflection
-Students should demonstrate and articulate an understanding of normal and abnormal
states of health and related pharmacology
-Provide an in-depth rationale for the patent assessment
-Provide a rationale for the observations undertaken.
-Show an ability to critically analyse key assessment data. This would include any changes that would require urgent attention by a senior nurse or doctor.
-Clearly articulate the decisions made based on the assessment data.
-Justify specific pharmacological interventions that may be used to treat the condition (illness) or relieve its symptom which should include application of knowledge in relation to actions and unwanted effects (side effects) of the medicines administered.
-Show an awareness and understanding of comorbidities and other factors that may affect the assessment of the patient.
-Identifying evidence to support the assessment undertaken and decisions made.
-Demonstrate safe professional practice throughout which adheres to the standards of The Code (NMC 2008)
Question No :2
Reflective essay: Write your personal reflective account using a reflective model of your choice on the care given to Mark i.e Critically examine on your personal clinical decision making and the application of the evidence and frameworks used to support your nursing practice (1500 words).
Carrying out the following reflection you will address LO 5.
Learning outcome assessed: LO5: Critically examine personal decision making and the application of evidence and frameworks to nursing practice.
Format to draft your reflection (you may choose to use any reflective model)
Introduction (about 150 words)
Your work should have an introduction which outlines the purpose of your assignment to the reader. It should state which model you will use, include a rationale for why it is being used and give a brief outline of the structure of your work.
What (400 words)
This identifies the main issue that you are focusing upon. What scenario you had? What is the issue? What did you do well? Or what would you like to improve on?
So What (400 words)
In the ‘so what' section you will focus on analysing your performance. Your writing needs to be analytical rather than descriptive, linking your practice to relevant literature. You should critically analyse what went well or where there are areas that could be improved or developed.
To describe what happened and state that a particular skill is good or bad would not be sufficient, this would be considered descriptive writing. You are expected to refer to specific skills, state why it is good/could be improved and why this is important linking it to a relevant literature as support, this is analytical writing.
Now what (400 words)
You should discuss what you need to do to maintain the skills you have reflected on or address areas of improvement. The implications discussed in your ‘so what' should directly link to your action plans and what you are going to do to stimulate your onward learning. Consider ‘now what' is your specific action plan. How will you develop / maintain the skill identified? What tools / techniques will I use to help me do this? How will you ensure your action plans are carried out? Where possible consider what are the implications of your behaviour changes for you, your patient, and the wider service implications? Where possible add literature to support your action plans.
You have the option of including an action plan as appendix but this has to be discussed in this section here.
Conclusion (150 words)
You should conclude by considering all aspects of your reflection(s), considering your experiences, action, and decisions.
Attachment:- Science Applied Essay.rar