Critically analyze the supreme court of canadas analysis

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM133297851

The Charter of Rights and Civil Liberties

For your major research essay, you are expected to prepare a properly structured paper of 2,000- 2,500 words, evaluating one of the following topics. You are asked to provide proper citations, and a bibliography.

Remember, Wikipedia is not considered an academic source! While Wikipedia may be a great starting point to help you gain an understanding of a particular topic, it is not appropriate to use Wikipedia as a primary reference.

Question 1. Critically analyze the Supreme Court of Canada's analysis of unreasonable delays in criminal trials in R v Jordan, [2016] SCC 27. Is the Supreme Court's approach, and justification of mandating presumptive ceilings appropriate?

Question 2. Consider the relationship between COVID-19 and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Please provide three (3) examples in your analysis. Remember to include a thesis statement in your essay.

Question 3. Pick one case we have covered this semester, and provide a critical assessment of a decision, in which you do not agree with the majority's reasoning.

Question 4. Historically, how has the Supreme Court of Canada balanced freedom of expression with hate speech?

Question 5. After reading extensive caselaw over the semester, do you believe Pierre Trudeau's vision for Canada under a Charter of Rights has been achieved? Why, or why not?

Attachment:- Charter of Rights and Civil Liberties.rar

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The report is an evaluation of the research question, on supreme court actions in balancing the spirit of the freedom of expression and the hate speech in Canda. Discussion presented with the insights from the different case rulings. References are given.

Reference no: EM133297851

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