Reference no: EM133779622
Topic - Black Cockatoo
Learning Outcome 1: Describe and identify a range of environmental and sustainability management mechanisms available to encourage behaviour change at the local, regional, national and international scales.
Learning Outcome 2: Evaluate the effectiveness of managing key environmental and sustainability issues.
Learning Outcome 3: Make a compelling argument to an identified decision maker as to how a management mechanisms can be strengthened
This assessment task gives you an opportunity to combine the skills you have explored during the semester, to produce an Construction Environmental Management Plan, using the template provided for the same topic you used for the Toolbox:
- Dieback
- Black Cockatoo
- Construction noise [not noise during operation]
- Energy and carbon (greenhouse gases) during construction
Presentation requirements
The submission must be produced in Office 365 Word (docx), and include:
• Professional style cover page from one of the styles available. It is recommended that you do not select one of the templates which use the words 'student report' in the title.
• Word Styles are to be used for headings, sub headings and normal text, which is single spaced
• Figures and/or tables are expected and these must be captioned, and supported by in text cross referencing.
References and Paraphrasing
Acknowledge and write all evidence and ideas from sources in your own words using in-text references in the body of the report and end-text references (Reference list) at the end of the submission using APA 7 formatting.
Relationship to EIANZ Professional Skills:
The Environmental Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) is the professional association for Environmental Practitioners. Core skills associated with EIANZ practitioners which are introduced by this task include:
• recognising the need for, locating and being able to use credible information to develop new skills and knowledge:
• critically analysing and synthesising data/information;
• understanding and representing the context of activities at local, regional, and global scales.
Assessment Declaration
In submitting this work I confirm that:
• I have reviewed the Academic Integrity Tick-Before-Submit checklist and confirm that I would be able to comply all of the items listed.
• I certify that the attached assignment is my own work and that any material drawn from other sources has been acknowledged. This work has also not previously been submitted for assessment in any other unit or course, and has not been used for a task assigned by my employer (whether in a paid or voluntary capacity).
• I understand that copyright in assignments remains my property.
I grant permission to the University to make copies of assignments for assessment, review and/or record keeping purposes.
I note that the University reserves the right to check my assignment for plagiarism. Should the reproduction of all or part of an assignment be required by the University for any purpose other than those mentioned above, approval for use will be sought from me prior to use.