Critically analyse the role of it project management

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Reference no: EM131760071 , Length: word count:3000

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, you should:

be able to identify, critically analyse, reflect on and synthesise the key elements of the IT project management framework, including project stakeholders, communication management, the project management knowledge areas, common tools and techniques, and project success factors;

be able to critically analyse the role of IT project management within a professional workplace, from the viewpoint of the member/leader of the project team;

be able to research and critically evaluate how a practising IT project manager applies IT project management techniques, project management skills, methods and software tools in the IT industry;

be able to understand and apply appropriate communication practices within a project management context;

be able to research and apply established IT project management principles, skills and techniques to a case study.

Assessment item 1

Project Management Methodologies

In topics 1 & 2 you have been introduced to various project methodologies and processes. In 900 words, demonstrate your knowledge of these.

Ensure you address the following areas and provide at least 6-8 appropriate references in APA style format:

1. Define what a project methodology is giving few definitions from various authors and the role it serves in project management.
2. Choose 1 methodology from this list to compare and contrast with methodology outlined by Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), analysing the similarities and differences between them both.
List of project methodologies and processes PRINCE2
Agile XP Waterfall Agile Scrum

3. Finally, identify how your chosen methodology and processes relate to the project life cycle (PLC):

Submit your assignment online via Turnitin in the nominated class. Turnitin details for the individual classes would be provided on Interact2.


In this assessment you will be covering the following learning outcomes as outlined in the MSI:

be able to identify, critically analyse, reflect on and synthesise the key elements of the IT project management framework, including project stakeholders, communication management, the project management knowledge areas, common tools and techniques, and project success factors;

Assessment item 2

Assessment 2 and Assessment 3 are to be completed using the Case study Scenario outlined in Interact 2.

Assessment 2: You are to complete the following tasks based on the discussions and learnings from meetings held with your assigned team. Your work should be referenced providing at least 6-8 appropriate references in APA style submitted individually, and will be marked individually according to the rubric.

Part One:
Project Name / Team / Description

Working as a team you are to

Agree on a suitable team name, list all team members and provide their contact details in a professional looking document.
Provide an overview of the project on which you are working.
Complete a project description. This should be written clearly and concisely so that anyone unfamiliar with the project can fully understand the objectives.

Team Charter
After your team agreed on a team name and identified all of the contact details of your team members, address the following points and present them in a professional looking document:

Skills and Knowledge Inventory - List the specific knowledge and / or skills that each team member can contribute to the project. This could be technical knowledge, communication or leadership skills.
Roles and Responsibilities - Define roles and responsibilities for each team member. This can be defined for entire project or can be shared or even rotated.
Team Communications

Meeting Times & Location - Agree on mutually convenient times and location to convene to work on the case assignments.
Define how the team will communicate with each other and share information. Also specify how meetings will be documented and where subsequent resources will be stored for ease of access.
Team Rules & Expectations
Discuss your previous experiences of working in teams, both positive and negative. What is the overall team goal?
Team Values - Discuss as a team what values are important. Develop a statement or itemised list that summarises these values.
Code of Ethics - Based on your team values, create a statement that summarises a code of ethics to guide your teams ethical behaviour.
Rules and Expectations - Build a set of rules and expectation that all members of the team shall abide by. Consider team decisions, conflict, absence from meetings, and an individual's lack of contribution for example.
Signatures - Get each member of the team to sign the team charter. This will indicate an understanding and agreement to the rules and expectations as specified in the points above.

Part Two:
Learning Cycles

Learning cycles give structure to your team meetings and accountability for when you and your team work outside of the meeting schedule

Firstly, prior to your next meeting, assign roles to the team. There should only be two central roles - the organiser and the scribe:

Organiser - organises the meeting by writing down the team's ideas and then distributes them to the team for feedback.
Scribe - documents the ideas and action points going forward.

Note: Roles should be rotated for each meeting and assigned so that everyone on the team has equal responsibility.

Using peer learning and reflections, document your understanding of the project at this point in time in a table format.

Note: it is likely at this early stage of the project that you will write down very few facts. You will have a few more assumptions and probably a larger list of questions to be answered. Seek answers to your questions, and show the iteration of learning cycles as you gain a deeper understanding.

Part Three:
Communication Plan

As a team, brainstorm and identify all stakeholders to the project. Then individually, develop an appropriate communication plan using the format below

Part Four:

Write a brief reflection of no more than 300 words of your team work experience in this subject. To guide your reflection you should address the following questions:

How did your experience compare to your understanding of the leadership qualities required to successfully lead a project?
Based on your experience, what are necessary techniques, skills, methods and ICT project manager requires in the IT profession?

Assessment item 3

You are to prepare and submit Assessment 3 as an individual, based on the Case study scenario, and your peer to peer learning from Assessment 2 at least 8-10 appropriate references in APA style.

You are required to develop a charter for the Project including:

Include the Project description and overview you developed as part of Assessment 2.

Part One:

MOV - Measurable Organisational Value
(This is the goal of the project and is utilised to define the value that your team project will bring to your client)

Identify the desired area of impact - Rank the following areas in terms of importance:

Strategy / Customer / Financial / Operational / Social
With reference to your project, identify one or two of the following types of value: Better - is improving quality important to your client?
Faster - does your client want to increase efficiency? Cheaper - is cutting costs important?
Do more - does your client want to continue its growth?
Develop an appropriate metric - this sets the target and expectation of all the stakeholders. It is important to determine a quantitative target that needs to be expressed as a metric in terms of an increase or decrease of money.
Determine the timeframe for achieving the MOV - ask yourselves, when do we want to achieve this target metric?

Part Two:

Define Scope and produce a Scope Management Plan
Define the scope of the project and detail how the scope will be managed. Provide a list of Resources
Identify and detail the resources for the project using MS Project where appropriate, including:

People (and their roles), plus any extra personnel that is required for the project.
Technology - any hardware, network and software needs to support the team and your client. Facilities - where will most of the teamwork be situated?
Other - for example, travel, training etc.

Part Three:

Using MS Project, develop a schedule using a high level Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). It should include:

Milestones for each phase and deliverable

This will tell everyone associated with the project that the phase or deliverable was completed satisfactorily.

Activities / Tasks

Define a set of activities / tasks that must be completed to produce each deliverable.

Resource Assignments

Assign people and resources to each individual activity.

Estimates for Each Activity / Task

Develop a time estimate for each task or activity to be completed.


Create a time-phased budget using bottom-up estimating. Be sure to include direct costs listed in Part two and add 20% for fringe. State all assumptions and constraints you have

used when creating your budget. State how confident you are in your estimates and what would make you more confident.

Part Four:

Project Risk Analysis and Plan

Document any assumptions you have made about the project
Using the Risk Identification Framework as a basis, identify five risks to the project - one for each of the five phases of the methodology.
Analyse these risks, assign a risk to an appropriate member, and describe a strategy for the management of each specific risk.

Part Five:

Quality Management Plan. It should include:

A short statement that reflects your team's philosophy or objective for ensuring that you deliver a quality system to your client.
Develop and describe the following that your project team could implement to ensure quality;
A set of verification activities A set of validation activities

Part Six: 550 words

Closure and Evaluation Researching for the closure checklist and project evaluation

a. To prepare for this task, you will be required to provide an annotated bibliography.

Write an Annotated Bibliography for three (3) relevant texts or readings around project evaluation. The Annotated Bibliography is a critical examination of the most relevant, recent and scholarly research on the topic area that is not just a summary of the articles you have read.

You will submit this as an appendix to your project evaluation documentation.
Ensure that the AB submitted by you is your own work and has not been submitted elsewhere and comply with the University's requirements for academic integrity.

Use the following resource to guide you around the research tools:

b. Develop a closure checklist that the project team will use to ensure that the project has been closed properly.

c. Develop a project evaluation -outline and discuss how your project's MOV will be evaluated.

Assessment item 4


This examination is will formatively as well as summatively assess your grasp of the topics covered in this subject and is aligned with all subject outcomes.

Reference no: EM131760071

Questions Cloud

A limited liability partnership pays income taxes : A partnership can be changed to a corporation later, when profits are assured". A limited liability partnership (LLP) pays income taxes.
Can you identify one non verbal cue you do on purpose : What messages do they send? Is this the message you intend?Your paper should be about the nonverbal messages that you are sending.
Explain the properties of linear programming model : Ruwais Furniture Manufacturing (RFM) makes 2 products: Antique wood chairs and Modern wood chairs. Explain the properties of a linear programming model.
Determine budgeted payments for purchases of raw material : (Direct material purchases and budgeted payments) Campbell Manufacturing intends to start business on January I,20I4. Production plans for the first four month.
Critically analyse the role of it project management : ITC505 - ICT Project Management - reflect on and synthesise the key elements of the IT project management framework, including project stakeholders
Can you trace how you see yourself to the appraisals reflect : Write a response containing the results with sources from the readings to clarify what you found.
Attempt to explain stock market behavior : There are many theories that attempt to explain stock market behavior. Discusses market anomalies that contradict the efficient market hypothesis.
Estimate provision for uncollectible accounts : Budgeted accounts receivable; cash; and income statementl In preparing its budget for July, Wade Inc. has the following information available.
How your firm performed compared to your competitors : How your firm performed compared to your competitors How your firm performed compared to last year



12/11/2017 4:19:57 AM

A closure The closure The closure The closure The closure The closure checklist is checklist is checklist is detailed, checklist has been checklist has checklist has not produced detailed, and has and has been used used appropriately been used to been addressed alongside the been used accurately to close to close the close the adequately, the development of accurately to close the project. The project, and the project, and the evaluation is a project the project. The evaluation has been evaluation has evaluation has lacking detail evaluation that evaluation has been well documented been adequately been addressed and is not is evidenced by professionally and is evidenced by documented and and is evidenced evidenced by research. documented and is research. is evidenced by by research. research. (10 marks) evidenced by research. research. Referencing of All written All written All written information is generally well organised but more clarity of communication is required in terms of referencing. All written No apparent logical order of written content, and there is a lack of referencing.


12/11/2017 4:19:23 AM

Criterion High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail Provides an The MOV The MOV illustrates The MOV The MOV The MOV fails MOV and illustrates the the student’s illustrates the illustrates the to cover one or identifies the student’s detailed detailed student’s student’s more specified target and consideration of the consideration of the generalised generalised project expectations of target and a target and an attempt consideration of consideration of requirements. all stakeholders thorough analysis at analysis of the the target and an the target; in a suitable of the expectations expectations of all attempt at however format. of all stakeholders. stakeholders is analysis of the analysis of the (15 Marks) The format is evident. expectations of most stakeholders expectations of all stakeholders logical, clear and The format is logical is evident. is not clear. well-structured. and appropriate to the information The format is The format is presented. suitable to the suitable to the information information presented. presented.


12/11/2017 4:18:56 AM

A final reflection is completed containing reference to all specified areas. (30 Marks) A well-structured, professionally communicated reflection with detailed reference to all specified areas. The sequence and communication of the reflection is good with appropriate reference to all specified areas. The sequence of the reflection is generally well organised but more clarity of communication is required in terms of addressing all areas. The reflection is loosely connected, transitions lack clarity. Ineffective reference to all specified areas. No apparent logical order of reflection with unclear focus. Little or no use of reference to specified areas. Referencing of sources (APA 6th ed citation) to reinforce findings. (5 Marks) All written evidence is professionally communicated using correct referencing. All written information is good with appropriate referencing. All written information is generally well organised but more clarity of communication is required in terms of referencing. All written content is loosely connected, and there is ineffective use of referencing. No apparent logical order of written content, and there is a lack of referencing.


12/11/2017 4:18:49 AM

is completed according to the roles of the group. (25 Marks) Cycle correctly addresses all project requirements and documents the roles of the group fully. Cycle correctly addresses most project requirements and documents the roles of the group well. Cycle correctly addresses all key project requirements and documents the roles of the group adequately. Cycle correctly addresses all key project requirements and documents the roles of the group. Cycle fails to correctly address one or more essential project requirements and does not document the roles of the group. A Communication Plan is completed that identifies all relevant stakeholders. (25 Marks) All stakeholders are identified and comprehensively and accurately documented in the Communication Plan. All stakeholders are identified and well documented in the Communication Plan. Most stakeholders are correctly identified and documented in the Communication Plan. Some stakeholders are identified and documented in the Communication Plan. Key stakeholders have not been identified or documented in the Communication Plan.


12/11/2017 4:18:38 AM

Produces a team charter and includes reference to all points of reference as specified in the assessment, and presents the work in a document. (10 Marks) All requirements associated with the team charter are thoroughly analysed, identified, and clearly defined against the points of reference. Information is comprehensively and logically documented. All requirements associated with the team charter are accurately analysed and identified, highlighting key points of reference. Information is clearly documented. Most requirements associated with the team charter are correctly analysed, and identified with some linkages to the points of references. The information is documented. Key requirements associated with the team charter requirements are correctly identified and documented. Key requirements associated with the team charter requirements have not been identified.


12/11/2017 4:18:30 AM

Criterion High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail Identifies the specifics of the project team and provides a full description of the objectives. (5 Marks) All required project steps extensively identified and accurately contextualised for the selected project. All required project steps are correctly identified and are applied to the selected project with some contextualisation. All required project steps are correctly identified and are applied to the selected project. Most required project steps are correctly identified and applied to the selected project. Multiple project steps are missing or not applied to the selected project.


12/11/2017 4:18:18 AM

Methodologies Explains and Explains and analyses the methodologies related to the project life cycle. Explains and Explains and An extremely basic explanation of the methodologies related to the project life cycle. are related to the critically examines the discusses the project life cycle. evaluates the methodologies methodologies methodologies related to the related to the (30 Marks) related to the project life cycle. project life cycle. project life cycle. Correct The sources are The sources are The sources are The sources are The sources are extremely limited and incorrectly sourced. referencing of valid and are commendable and adequate and adequate and sources (APA 6th derived from are all correctly largely correctly largely correctly ed citation) to wide range of sourced and sourced, and sourced, and reinforce resources. They presented. presented. presented. findings. are all correctly sourced and (10 Marks) presented.


12/11/2017 4:18:06 AM

Provides an Explains and Explains and Explains and Explains and An extremely explanation of the critically analyses the role examines role discusses the role basic explanation role project evaluates the role project project of project of the role of methodology of project methodology methodology methodology in project plays in relation methodology and plays in relation plays in relation relation to project methodology. to project the relationship to to project to project management. management. project management. management. management. (20 Marks) Two selected Explains and Explains and analyses the comparisons and contrasts between two selected methodologies Explains and examines the comparisons and contrasts between two selected methodologies. Explains and discusses the comparisons and contrasts between two selected methodologies. An extremely methodologies are critically basic explanation compared and evaluates the of the contrasted. comparisons and comparisons and contrasts between contrasts between (30 Marks) two selected two selected methodologies. methodologies.


12/11/2017 4:17:54 AM

Criterion High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail Provides a Explains and Explains and Explains and examines the definition of a project methodology using their own words and a range of terminology. Explains and An extremely definition of a critically analyses the discusses the basic explanation project evaluates the definition of a definition of a of the definition methodology. definition of a project project of a project project methodology methodology in methodology, and methodology using their own their own words the answer is (10 marks) using language, words, reinforced and using expressed poorly detailed with a range of appropriate or not in own judgement and informed opinions language. words. evaluation of sources.


12/11/2017 4:16:16 AM

Students will be assigned to teams for Assessment 2 in order to facilitate peer to peer learning, however it is not a group assessment and students will be required to submit individually. Three team meetings (minimum) should be held between assigned teams throughout the Session. This will be discussed further during the first class lecture. You should check the Interact Site on a regular basis for postings, announcements, lecture information and other resources that will assist your studies or additional information and resources vital to your success in the subject. Studying at university does not mean studying alone. During class you will have an opportunity to interact with the lecturer as well as your peers. Use the subject schedule to plan your studies over the session.


12/11/2017 4:16:01 AM

How you are expected to engage with the subject: All of your subject materials are available on the Interact site under the Resources link in the left hand side menu. In this subject we will meet for a 3 hour session where we will discuss that week’s topic. Before you come to class you need to have looked at the online activities in the Interact site and read the text so that you can contribute to the class and derive more meaning from the activities that we will do in class. We will spend class time working through the topic questions, discussing them and preparing responses. In addition we may use video, games and case studies to enhance understanding of certain topic areas. It is helpful to have a small task to complete early in the session, so that you have a focus in the subject from the very first day. Assessment Item 1 is an essay for you to research and prepare based on the early topic readings, so it is important you start early. If you don’t attempt the assessment task, I may contact you by phone or email to have a chat about study and if there are any issue that I can help with.


12/11/2017 4:15:46 AM

A student must obtain at least 50% in both the examination and the total mark in order to pass this subject. To be eligible for the grade AA or AE you must have submitted all assessment items in the subject, including the final exam. If you choose not to complete an assessment item or do not sit the final exam then you will not be granted an AA or an AE grade. Key Subjects Passing a key subject is one of the indicators of satisfactory academic progress through your course. You must pass the key subjects in your course at no more than two attempts. The first time you fail a key subject you will be 'at risk' of exclusion; if you fail a second time you will be excluded from the course.

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