Critically analyse the procurement strategies

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Reference no: EM131450473

Task to the students:

The group shall have to choose an organisation in Oman in which that organization has a Procurement Department. The group shall have to identify the procurement process and procedure adopted in the company and to do a comparative study with the international procurement standard. The group should have to prepare GAP analysis between the company procurement processes & procedure in comparison with the international standard and suggest a better procurement standard. Data should be from primary source and collected from the organisation after visiting the organisation and meeting the procurement department people. Data collected from websites/internet can be used as an additional source of secondary data to support your work.

Please note that, the choice of an organization should be approved by the instructor in advance.

PART 1: Group Proposal Report (Max. Marks 100 to scale down to 10)
The students should have to draft group proposal report. The proposal has to be uploaded in the Moodle on a required date and time. The selected organization has to be approved the instructor. The report should consider the background about the company, the group plan of action to complete the assessment and Timeline and work breakdown (Gantt Chart).

PART 2: Group Report (Max. Marks 100 to scaled down to 50)
You have to collect the details from the chosen company and answer the following questions.
1) Brief company profile:
i. Company Information, Location, Size and Industry
ii. Operations Portfolio
iii. Products & Services
iv. Procurement Objectives & Mission Statement

2) Highlights the Tendering & Procurement Process and Procedure with regards to:- (at least 05 processes and procedure required).
i. Pre Post Tendering & Procurement Process and Procedure
ii. Tendering & Procurement Process and Procedure
iii. Post Tendering & Procurement Process and Procedure

3) Critically analyse the procurement strategies of the selected organization in comparison with the international standards.

4) If e-procurement is adopted in the selected organization, the student should demonstrate

i. The type of the e-procurement system
ii. Draw hierarchy chart flow of procurement process from RFQ level till Purchase order placement
iii. List e-procurement benefit the organisation (at least 6 advantages)

5) From the selected organization, the student should discuss & analyse the below:-
i. Key Suppliers Evaluation Criteria (at least 5 Criteria's)
ii. Inco Terms process (at least 5 processes)
iii. Procurement documents that are used in the organization (at least 5 documents)

PART 3: Individual Reflection (Max. Marks 100 to scale down to 10)
It is only 02 pages with 1.5 spacing. Each member of the group should have to submit through moodle a reflection on their group assignment (at least +/-500 words).
The individual reflection should cover the followings:
1) What was the objective of the group work done?
2) What was the student's personal contribution in the group work?
3) What did the student learn from the group assessment?

PART 4: PPT Presentation with the findings of the group should be presented by the group. (Max. Marks 100 to scale down to 30)

Verified Expert

This assignment is completed in 2000 words in which we have explained introduction, breif overview of the company, company information, location, size and industry, operation portfolio, product and services of sohar aluminium, procurement obejectives and mission statement, tendering and procurement process of sohar aluminium, pre tendering and procurement process, tendering and procurement process at the open stage, post tendering and procurement process, relation of sohar procurement strategy with the international standard, tqm, supplier optimization, e-procurement system initiation, types of e-procurement system, erp system, vender management system, crm, pos, drawing of the e-procurement process, advantages of e-procurement strategies.

Reference no: EM131450473

Questions Cloud

What is the appropriate discount rate for an expansion : Suppose the stock of CBD Ltd, a manufacture of toys, has a beta of 2.7. The firm is 100-percent equity financed. Assume a risk-free rate of 3-percent.
The current set of spotinterest rates with one : The current set of spotinterest rates with one, two, three and four years to maturity are 4%, 6%, 7% and 7.5% respectively.
Explain the concepts of object orientation methodology : Investigate the effectiveness of business information systems of the given case study. To do this, you are required to submit a complete report.
Do primates have culture or is it only a human quality : Do primates have culture or is it only a human quality? What is an example that supports your response? Be thoughtful and clear in your response.
Critically analyse the procurement strategies : Procurement Management (BUSS 1503) - Critically analyse the procurement strategies of the selected organization in comparison with the international standards.
Discuss link between the picot statement-research article : Discuss the link between the PICOT statement, the research articles, and the nursing practice problem you identified. Include relevant details
Which party bears credit risk-long or short : Consider a 9-month forward contract established at rate of $28. which party bears credit risk, long or short?
About the bond valuation : Pybus, Inc. is considering issuing bonds that will mature in 23 years with an annual coupon rate of 7 percent.
Write a macro that uses the maverick function : FINA 5351: Finance Modeling Assignment. Write a macro that uses the Maverick function you have written in Problem I. Name your macro as MaverickCalc



5/8/2017 5:25:07 AM

Oh sorry, these comments does not below to your website, I mistakenly posted here, you may close this assignment this expert has done best work. I could not suppose to work like that. But other website is just providing me failing assignment only, I dont know why i went there. Anyways thanks a lot for your work. Just wait for sometime for my new assignment.


5/8/2017 5:23:18 AM

Abut chapter 3 methodology you should write it as follows: 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Research Design 3.3 Population of the Study 3.4 Sampling Technique and Sample Size 3.5 Research Instruments and Validity and Reliability Testing 3.6 Data Collection Techniques 3.7 Data Analysis Technique 3.8 Legal, Ethical and Social Issues Abut Conclusion you should write it as follows: 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Summary of Findings 5.3 Conclusion 5.4 Recommendations 5.5 Future research Note: please read the PROJECT GUIDE carefully. You will everything clear there. We hope you appreciate our situation. 22792851_1Project Guide - Spring 2.docx


5/8/2017 5:22:38 AM

So please make sure if the tutor cn make the assignment or no if he can make it perfectly then will start to make it. we choose Sohar Aluminum Company. This assignment include 5 questions and introduction. Under each question there are instructions how to ansswer (Marke Rubric) in read please try to follow it. Please hire a professional tutor for this assignment. Make sure he is knowledge and experience for this assignment and can do it really well. Thank you for your great effort you have made to write this assignment, we received the feedback from our Mr. You'll find the comments under each question written in red, please do the change there. we will submit in the moodle on morning by 11 AM or ASAP.?. we waiting for the change. we agreed with you that the project consists of 5 chapters with the proposal. The chapters are as follows: chapter 1: the introduction chapter 2: the literature review chapter 3: the methodology chapter 4: Data analysis and Presentation chapter 5: conclusion


4/4/2017 5:57:21 AM

PART-1 - Group Proposal 10 marks PART 2- Group report Introduction: goal and objectives are clear, structure of report is outlined. 05 marks Discussion: Question 1 Company Profile 05 marks Question 2 Highlights the Tendering & Procurement Process and Procedure 10 marks Question 3 Critically analyse the procurement strategies 10 marks Question 4 e-procurement 05 marks Question 5 Discuss & Analyse 05 marks Conclusions: reflect summary of all findings 05 marks Referencing: Coventry-Harvard style applied, the required standards are met 05 marks PART 3- Individual reflection 10 marks PART 4– PPT – Group Presentation 30 marks


4/4/2017 5:56:35 AM

The report should be done in Word, font size 12, font style Times New Roman, text color black, colors can be used ONLY in appendices; main body of the report should be black and white. Report should be submitted through Moodle ONLY on time, any delay will lead to deduction in total marks. Layout, creativity and content 10 marks Presentation (clarity, confidence and understanding) 10 marks Questioning (clarity, confidence and understanding) 10 marks


4/4/2017 5:56:17 AM

1. For the assignment students are expected to refer to secondary data and literature sources as well as primary data. 2. Total words count should not exceed 2000 +/- 5% words. 3. The report should contain: ? Cover page, which indicates title, names of students, name of instructor and date and place of submission (students can use provided template); ? Table of contents; ? Introduction, should contain a brief description of the company operations and products, the goal of the report, indicates objectives, and briefly describes structure of the report; ? Discussion, description of main points with proper in-text references; ? Conclusions, that reveal main findings regarding each question and challenges faced during completing the assignment; ? List of references (using Coventry Harvard style of referencing); ? Appendices if needed (appendices are not included in the main report words count);


4/4/2017 5:56:01 AM

Please hire a professional tutor for this assignment. Make sure he is knowledge and experience for this assignment and can do it really well.• Students should complete assignment in groups of 3-5 people. • Submission: By the week mentioned in the MIG by the teacher. • Students should use CU Harvard referencing style in report. • Submission form: Soft copy to be submitted through Moodle at Turnitin. • Late submission shall be penalised as per the norms of MEC mentioned in the Module Information Guide.• Students should support their analysis with suitable literature sources.

Write a Review

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