Critically analyse the concepts of community capacity

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Reference no: EM133189229 , Length: word count:1300

PUBH6206: Health Promotion and Community Health

A study on Drug abuse on the youth

Develop a Health Promotion intervention

Learning Outcome 1: Critically analyse health promotion principles theories at the level of prevention.
Learning Outcome 2: Apply the principles of the Ottawa Charter to develop health promotion interventions in diverse communities.
Learning Outcome 3: Apply health promotion principles, theoretical frameworks, and strategies to health promotion intervention for diverse communities.
Learning Outcome 4: Critically analyse the concepts of community capacity building and empowerment within health promotion interventions


Effective public health promotion programs are the cornerstone to good population health. The development of these programs requires in depth understanding of communities, social determinants of health and the understanding of effective disease prevention interventions. The Ottawa Charter is one of the most impactful health promotion conceptual frameworks and is applied in health promotion program development internationally. Through this assessment students will develop a health promotion intervention applying health promotion principles, theoretical frameworks, and strategies to a health promotion intervention for diverse communities.

Task Summary
Students are required to develop the health promotion intervention based on the health promotion intervention plan outline developed in Assessment 2 Part A. Students are required to write the program of 1500 words (+/- 10%) in length. The steps below provide clear instructions on how to develop and present your program. Support your point of view with the credible evidence sources.


1. Explain the stages of program development in the following stages.
• Planning: Review your plan outline against the feedback given by the Learning Facilitator (Target group, Aim, Objective, Timeframe, and Stakeholders developed in Assessment 2 Part A)
• Consideration: Consider health promotion principles, theoretical frameworks, and strategies, including Ottawa Charter Area of Action that could applied to your program
• Implementation:
• Explain potential stakeholders that should be involved in your program and the importance of their roles.
• Select health setting where the program would be implemented and explain the appropriateness of this setting/location.
• List required resources, including: human resources; equipment; tools and devices (e.g. testing kit, yoga mat, scale, stationary); facilities (e.g. room for education session, space/court for physical activities), printed resources (e.g. flyer, poster, booklet) (this is a critical thinking practice rather than the actual activity).
• Estimate your budget required for you program and where could you get funding to support your program (this is a critical thinking practice rather than the real funding)

2. Explain how your program will be monitoring and evaluated.

3. Critically explain timeframe and milestones of your program

Assessment Criteria

Format parameters

• Include a title page that states:
• The assessment title;
• Your first and last name;
• Your student identification number;
• Word count (excluding the reference list);
• The subject name;
• Your lecturer/learning facilitator; and
• An academic integrity declaration

It is essential that you use appropriate APA 7th style for citing and referencing research.

Attachment:- Health Promotion and Community Health.rar

Reference no: EM133189229

Questions Cloud

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Organisational style manual : 1. Produce a document of your choice. using your organisational style manual to help 1with formatting. Find out your designated time for preparing the document
Critically analyse the concepts of community capacity : Critically analyse the concepts of community capacity building and empowerment within health promotion interventions
What does brics stands for : 1. How do economic issues differ from social issues? is the re-opening of face to face classes be considered an economic issue too? In what aspect will it affec
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Employee motivation models-theories : Identify ways that you have experienced and seen these employee motivation concepts come to life in your workplace and personal experiences.
Explain understanding mental models : Describe at least two mental models that you personally have that differ from those of a colleague, family member, or friend.


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