Critically analyse and evaluate the statement

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Reference no: EM132367361 , Length: word count:1500

Behavioural Perspectives of Mental Wellbeing Assignment - Critical Review

The assignment is about Critically analyzing and evaluating the statement: "Psychiatric diagnostic classification systems lead to suboptimal outcomes for patients" that means we have to say we agree OR disagree with the statement.

Learning Outcomes -

  • Apply behavioural health science perspectives to psychopathology; and
  • Analyse the sociocultural and temporal context of major mental health disorders

It involves each student individually completing a critical thinking argumentative essay reviewing and discussing some of the issues surrounding the sociocultural and temporal construction of mental illness. One of the major debates in mental health is whether psychiatric diagnostic classi?cation systems such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the International Classi?cation for Diseases (ICD) medicalise normal human psychological/behavioural reactions to situations and label them as disorders and diagnosable mental health conditions. For example, following a bereavement, it is generally considered normal for people to experience signs of signi?cant mental distress such as sadness/low mood, anhedonia, sleep disturbance, changes in food intake, fatigue, and dif?culty concentrating. However, those psychological/ behavioural reactions also ?t the DSM-5 criteria for a diagnosis of major depressive episode if present for more than two weeks. Who determines what is normal or disordered, as well as how much or how long people are allowed to experience mental distress before it is labelled abnormal? Your critical review paper will attempt to explore these broad concepts in more detail.

A critical review essay is a task that asks you to critically review, analyse, evaluate, and synthesise literature related to a topic in order to provide a critical and persuasive defensible argument/position to an issue. You will then need to do further academic research and provide a defensible synthesis of your position relative to this provocative statement:

Critically analyse and evaluate the statement: "Psychiatric diagnostic classi?cation systems lead to suboptimal outcomes for patients"

Your paper must have a clear persuasive argument and position running through your writing and not just be a description or summary of relevant literature. Your paper's de?nitive position as to whether it is arguing for or against this statement must be explicitly stated in the introduction.

Your paper should present high quality credible evidence justifying and supporting your argument (largely using peer- reviewed journal articles and research studies), as well as present credible evidence not supporting your position with an active counter-argument and defence provided against this throughout your paper to demonstrate you have considered both sides of the debate re this issue.

Attachment:- Assignment detail & Example Critical Review Essay.rar

Reference no: EM132367361

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9/7/2019 2:36:59 AM

Critical review 1500 words. The assignment is about Critically analyzing and evaluating the statement: “Psychiatric diagnostic classification systems lead to suboptimal outcomes for patients" that means we have to say we agree OR disagree with the statement. I'd like to attach file assessment detail+example critical review essay. Please have a look and read through information about the assignment's requirements given carefully (especially highlight with red and blue colors). Please do not include an assessment cover page / title page / contents page for this assessment. Do not attach the marking rubric, assessment guide, or plagiarism checklist. These pages adversely influence the Turnitin report.


9/7/2019 2:36:53 AM

For this assessment, the word limit of 1500 words (+/- 10%) refers only the content and headings within the paper itself and not to the in-text citations, reference list, or title of the essay. We will stop reading at 1650 words. Any content words you include after this point will not be read or included in marking. Your reference list will still be read and assessed. It is important that you use your words wisely. Using only the minimum number of sources for this assessment would earn you in the “Needs Improvement” category of the rubric.


9/7/2019 2:36:47 AM

You will need to find more peer-reviewed relevant journal article sources in order to earn a higher mark in this rubric criterion. As a guide for scoring well in this criterion, we would expect your reference list to contain upwards of 15 high-quality relevant peer-reviewed journal research study sources sourced by you. We strongly advise against using internet sources as evidence for your claims in this assessment unless you explicitly provide a credibility evaluation of the source as part of your claim. The module/lecture slides are not acceptable as sources for this assessment.


9/7/2019 2:36:42 AM

Academic writing and formatting requirements that are specific to this assessment are: 11 or 12 point readable font (e.g., Calibri, Times New Roman, Arial etc.); Left-justified (meaning that paragraph text is aligned on the left-hand side of the page with the right-hand side ragged); 1.5 line spacing throughout (including the reference list); Page numbers and your name in the top right-hand side document header; Full sentences (no dot points); Contractions (where two words are shortened into one e.g., doesn’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t etc.) should not be used in formal academic writing; Numbers under 10 should be in written format (e.g., ‘?ve’); numbers over 10 should be in numeric format (e.g., ’20’). All numbers (no matter how big) at the very beginning of a sentence should be in written format (e.g., “Thirty-five participants E.g. and i.e. can only be used when in parentheses (AKA brackets).


9/7/2019 2:36:35 AM

When outside parentheses use “For example,” for e.g. and “that is” for i.e.;The word prove or its variants (such as proven, proves, or proved etc.) should not appear in your writing. Research hypotheses are only supported or not supported within de?ned terms of reference. Use “demonstrates/d” or “shows/n” or similar instead; Always try and paraphrase from your source rather than quote as it demonstrates that you have understood the material; Do not ask questions in your assessments - you need to be answering them for your reader; First person (i.e. “I”, “we” etc.) should not be used for this assessment; Australian spelling rather than US spelling (e.g., “behaviour” rather than “behavior”) should be used; Do not use the word “suffer/sufferer” as this is discriminatory language. Use versions of “experiencing” or “living with” etc.


9/7/2019 2:36:29 AM

Rubric and Feedback Guide - Comprehensively critically reviews, analyses, synthesises, and evaluates the relevant research literature. Information and evidence selected for inclusion is explicitly and specifically linked with the essay topic. Consistently demonstrates a sophisticated understanding regarding psychopathology diagnostic classification systems, medicalisation of behaviour, and biomedical predominance within mental health. Essay topic is wholly examined. Central argument is well developed, synthesised, and evident throughout paper. Position is clearly stated in the introduction.


9/7/2019 2:36:22 AM

Accurately interprets research evidence presented throughout paper. Effectively analyses, evaluates, and synthesises a range of alternative points of view and counter arguments. Draws warranted and judicious conclusions. Justifies and defends position throughout paper. . In addition to including the minimum number of sources, also uses a wide and diverse range of relevant academic literature (most of which is high-quality peer-reviewed research study journal literature) far exceeding minimum requirements sourced by the student to support ideas presented. No errors or no more than 3 minor typographical-type errors in APA (6th ed.) format. Free or almost free from formatting, spelling, logical progression, and/or grammatical errors. Clear, succinct, and effective formal academic language used throughout the paper. Content flows smoothly and logically.

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