Critically analyse an existing it infrastructure

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Reference no: EM132983088 , Length: word count:3000

Enterprise Management Project

Learning outcome 1: Critically evaluate the suitability of enterprise systems and their alternatives in contemporary business environments.

Learning outcome 2: Synthesise a strategy for an enterprise system within a given business environment.

Learning outcome 3: Evaluate different approaches to developing an IT infrastructure and critically analyse an existing IT infrastructure

Learning outcome 4: Make use of decision-making methods and tools to understand better the organisational approach to developing effective IT Infrastructure solutions

Learning outcome 5: Apply appropriate theories, practices and tools to gather requirements, analyse, specify, test, implement and evaluate novel computer-based applications.

For this assessment task, you will produce (a) summary essay that presents your case study. Your essay will include the development of (b) your assigned SAP Model that demonstrates object-orientated modelling engineered from the development of your Integrated Artefact in task 1.

Essay Guidance
The below is suggested guidance for your essay.

- Discuss the state of your related industry, the need for innovation and transformation and the intended structure of the essay
- Relevant theory underpinning the approach for your project (mini literature review)
- Discussion of the approach taken
- Outputs of your approach demonstrating alignment and integration (Integrated Artefact and SAP Model)
- Why your outputs support Digital Transformation

- Effectiveness of your approach
- Suggestions for future developmentTask 2 - Enhanced SAP Modelling

SAP Modelling
As part of your assignment 2, you need to build upon what you developed in task 1 and produce an SAP model that consists of two views based on selected concepts from your integrated artefact. You will apply an object orientated approach towards developing your model and evidence this in the provided software tool. Review the guidance steps to help you complete your modelling task.

• Your modelling will consist of two views:
1. Strategy and SAP Technology Model
2. Strategy and SAP Architecture View Model

You will include 3-5 examples of Strategy Objectives. Minimum 3 processes for each strategy. You may add addition instances to the model where necessary.

You will include a minimum 5 columns of Industry 4.0 Tech Domains that represent a requisite variety of SAP technological solutions. You may or may note include the Stakeholder Object. You may add additional technology instances where necessary to demonstrate a more holistic architecture.

Task 2 - Guidance

1. Review your model to understand what instances are needed in order to populate your views. You will need to spend some time to ensure that you allocate all the necessary instances from your integrated artefact to your model. In the case where you add additional instances to your model, this must be iterated in your artefact ensuring alignment and integration between the artefact and the model views.

2. Following the demonstration and user guidance on creating objects, you now need to create or reuse the objects you need to populate your view templates. Please note, for the Process object you may need to reword the process into a short concise process description. If you create new objects you should share them in the ‘SAP IE 4.0' tab so other users can reuse them. You must make sure that the objects are engineered correctly. Do not use objects that are not engineered correctly, it is your responsibility to ensure that objects you used are correct. This means correct instance name, decomposition, descriptions, IDs and weblinks where necessary.

3. Add the necessary objects to your allocated view templates. Where necessary you may need to make adjustments to the templates to present your model. Maintain a professional and presentable layout for your final model. Include a relevant title for your model views, e.g. Strategy and SAP Technology Industry Name' Model or SAP ‘Industry Name' Architecture View Model

4. Save your model views with the following name convention under the ‘SAP IE 4.0' Shared Models tab

5. Your final model artefacts should be included in your essay as screenshots along with a rationalised description to support your digital transformation narrative.

Attachment:- Task 2 EMP Template.rar

Reference no: EM132983088

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9/7/2021 2:17:23 AM

Your modelling will consist of two views: 1. Strategy and SAP Technology Model 2. Strategy and SAP Architecture View Model

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