Reference no: EM132332168
Critical thinking supports effective communication, supported judgment, reasoning, reflection, and justified problem-solving for a particular mode of thought or thinking.
Ineffective Leader: Jeff Smisek
1. How would you assess communications within the organization of your selected ineffective leader? Give examples of good and poor communications within that leader's organization.
2. Evaluate the three parts of the message receiving process.
3. Compare two common approaches to getting feedback and explain why they do not work.
4. In your opinion, can a leader maintain a personal friendship with some members of his/her work group or team without creating the perception of in-groups in his/her work unit? In your opinion, explain the impact of such a relationship to one of the stages of the dyadic theory.
5. What should a leader do to dispel any notion or misconception that there are in-groups and out-groups in his/her work unit? Explain. Evaluate the two types of relationships under the vertical dyadic linkage model.
6. What do you say to those who argue that tactics used by followers to get noticed by their leader (such as impression management, ingratiation, and self-promotion) are shameful and self-serving and should be avoided? Explain and offer your opinion of the link to developing high-quality LMX relationships.