Critical thinking explanations

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Reference no: EM1385912

1) What roles do ethical and emotional appeals play in argument?

2) Is there such a thing as an over-reliance on logic? Discuss.

3) How do we use deductive reasoning to affect conversations or arguments?

4) Can you provide an example of a time when language comprehension caused a misunderstanding of a metaphor being used?

5) What technology do you feel has inhibited a specific skill you use to have?

6) What process do you feel people go through when making ethical decisions? Do most individuals base it on how many people they will affect emotionally? Do you feel one is greater than the other?

7) Why do we tend to rely on emotions when making important ethical decisions?

8) Do you feel fragments of information are sometimes more or less affective at the workplace?

Reference no: EM1385912

Questions Cloud

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Critical thinking explanations : What roles do ethical and emotional appeals play in argument? Is there such a thing as an over-reliance on logic? Discuss. How do we use deductive reasoning to affect conversations or arguments?
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