Critical review of a strategic plan

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Reference no: EM133058586

MGT601 Dynamic Leadership - Laureate International Universities

Scenario Thinking - Critical Review of a Strategic Plan

The purpose of this journal is to encourage personal reflection on the concepts and issues covered in the resource materials and to help you apply them to your own situation and to your personal leadership journey. Your personal journal is one of the ways of ensuring this course of study has impact and meaning for you and is not just a theoretical examination of leadership.

Activities will be set out in each module to enable you to interpret and apply the concepts to your experiences and your leadership challenges. The activities are linked to the topics and the logic flow of the subject outline. Some activities will suggest that you first read sections of the resource materials, text books or papers that are available from the Blackboard site. We encourage you to complete each activity and record your answers in either a hard copy or electronic version. There are no right or wrong answers or approaches. Your journal is confidential. No- one else will have access to it. However, you may wish to share some of your insights with your allocated student partner.

Journal Activities

Activity - Critical Review of a Strategic Plan

1 This activity asks you to look at a strategic planning document that is relevant to you and to make a critical review of the plan.

2 If you are currently employed, try to find the latest strategic plan for your organisation.

3 What time frame does it cover?

4 Does it identify or state its assumptions about changes in the external environment over the planning period?

5 Does it identify any possible discontinuous or radical changes in the external environment?

6 Does it provide any creative or innovative responses to possible changes?

7 Does it identify any implications for leadership in the organisation?

8 What advice could you give to the organisation to enhance its strategic thinking?

Attachment:- Dynamic Leadership.rar

Reference no: EM133058586

Questions Cloud

Awareness of and sensitivity to organisational cultures : Increasing Awareness of and Sensitivity to Organisational Cultures - Record the main findings of the organisational culture survey here and in your online
Develop to be a more successful cross-cultural leader : Activity: Increasing Awareness of and Sensitivity to National Cultures - Reflexive Journal provides guidelines for thinking about the national culture
Summary of your insights and reflections : Discuss where appropriate with your partner. Include a summary of your insights and reflections in your report for Assessment
Preparation of a bid for a major project : Reflect on the meetings and consider what worked well and what, if anything, impeded the interactions - depending on the role that you are adopting initially
Critical review of a strategic plan : Critical Review of a Strategic Plan - strategic planning document that is relevant to you and to make a critical review of the plan
Develop a clear and concise statement of the critical issue : Develop a clear and concise statement of the critical issue or problem and Identify the driving forces in the environment that could impact on the issue
Discuss the merits and limitations of ratio analysis : Discuss the merits and limitations of ratio analysis and Explain your understanding of the risk/return relationship and why it is so important in Financial
Describe the basics of how to perform certain moves : Do a research report 7th dan karate JKA. Can you refer to their website, gather necessary information - describe the basics of how to perform certain moves
Report on karate techniques japan karate association : Research report on karate techniques japan karate association - how to perform certain moves based on their own training methods


Write a Review

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