Reference no: EM134179 , Length: Word Count:2000
Assessment task:
Critical review the decision making of a failed major construction/property project within the UK in the last ten years. The failure or issue from best practice should have impacted on either the individual success of the scheme as a project or the wider viability of the organisation.
Word count: 2,000 with minimum of four diagramming management tools produced to support your case study.
You are to choose a high profile well documented major UK project that has encountered difficulties or issues either in the procurement, construction phase implementation or within the complete business viability of the scheme.
Using the management assessment techniques, tools and diagrams you are to critically review the decision making of the project using the tools to explain plus inform your explanation of the factors encountered.
Trade press, professional journals and similar publications regularly document projects that have encountered issues. Construction legal cases also help check projects that have not run smoothly.
You are to compare best practice against the actions of the construction/design team in the project that is the basis of your study.
In the assignment you should clearly check the method of procurement used, the form of contract and the point of failure that lead to the issue that is the core to your assessment of the problem.
Why on a major project did this professional team get it wrong and what measures/actions would you adopt to ensure this never happens on a project under your own control?
Evaluate the unemployment rate
: Dsecribe a complete business cycle (trough, peak, expansion, recession), focusing on what happens to output, investment, employment in each phase.
Computer rendering of stochastic models
: Prepare a slideshow on Computer rendering of stochastic models
Pestel analysis
: You are required to PESTEL Analysis based on three factors ECONOMIC, SOCIAL and ENVIRONMENTAL ( ecological or green products , recycling packages etc..)
Identify a controversy relating to auditors'' independence
: You are required to identify a current controversy relating to Auditors' Independence.
Critical review decision making of failed major construction
: Critical review the decision making of a failed major construction/property project within the UK in the last ten years.
How could you suggest this issue be resolved
: Do you agree or disagree? Why? How could you suggest this issue be resolved?
Purpose a 2010 s corporation tax return
: Purpose a 2010 S corporation tax return (Form 1120S), including the subsequent additional schedules and forms: Schedule D, Form 4562, and Schedule K-1.
Evaluate sales and standard cost data
: The Knott Division's evaluated sales and standard cost data for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30 are as given:
Determine the percentage of the total variance
: Determine the percentage of the total variance that will be explained by the regression equation?